I have the JBL CD Chagner and want to RIP CDs into WMA format using the best possible quality (I don't like how WMA or MP3s sound at lower rates). I did a search but couldn't find info on this, and I have the manual at home, so I thought I should ask the for the following info: What is the highest rate I can RIP a CD into WMA format? I seem to remember that it can only handle 192 kbps but there seem to be better options for VMAs Can the Prius handle variable bit rate VMAs? If the Prius can handle this are variable bit rate VMAs (set at highest quality) better then 192 kbps? How about lossless VMA (came out recently)? Thanks! I'm trying to rip CD here at work and would like to have it done before tonight. I'm using Windows Media Player as the ripper.
The JBL CD Changer reads MP3 and WMA CDs. It has a sign on the CD slot stating so. I think the base single CD system only reads normal music CDs (maybe you have the base system?). I think the mid-range 06 stereo system reads MP3/WMAs as well but I am not sure,
Somerville, I just finished ripping an MP3 CD at 192k. It sounds very good in the car. In my opinion... With the sound quality of the JBL, you aren't going to be able to hear the difference between the MP3 and the WMA. I don't think our systems can handle the latest "Lossless". I was going to try it, but according to the manual, it's not an option and I read into it and something I read made me believe it wouldn't work. Since CDs are so cheap now, you could burn it both ways and see if it works. I was gonna do this, but after trying the MP3 in the car, I'm happy with it. If you do rip it both ways, let us know which one sounds better or if it even works.
Ok, I will answer my own questions as I did an experiment and learned a lot (good and bad). The following is true for my 06 with JBL CD changer: *) The JBL Prius will read Variable Bit Rate VMAs (set at the highest setting in Miccrosoft Media Player). This is a good thing (I think), see below. *) It will not play lossless VMAs. This is a new standard just out recently so I'm not suprised but hope they fix their SW in an upgrade. *) Variable bit rate (VBR) seem to be of higher quality the WMAs ripped at 192 kbps. Subjectivley they seem to sound better (I was comparing different tracks one in 192 kbps and one with VBR) with better fidelity and more "space". Both sound decent but the one ripped at 192 kbps sound a little muffled (like avery thin t-shirt or something similar was hung infront of the speaker). VBR files also are larger then filed ripped at 192 kbps which is another indication that they have more information. Sound is very subjective so don't take my word for it but I will rip using VBR *) Windows Media Player will not burn anything higher then 192 kbps. So when I tried to burn my VBR song it down-converted it first. This is reall bad! Lucklily there are easy solutions! Here is how I plan to create my Variable Data Rate VMW CD's: 1) RIP CDs using Microsoft Media Player. *) To get better rip quality, right click the RIP button and choose tools->options *) Choose the "Rip Music" folder and Change *) The Rip Settings Format to "Windows Media Audio (variable bit rate)" *) Make sure the "Audio Quality" option is set to max then click apply and/or OK 2) RIP all the CD's you want to burn to you VMA CD 3) WHen you are ready to burn you need to exit Window Media Player :-(. Instead open some other CD burning program and burn the CD as a "data CD" *) With my IBM laptop I have a pre-installed program called "IBM Record NOW" *) I choose to BURN my CD as DATA CD and not music CD (Music CD converts it back to normal CD format) *) In that program I can then drag and drop the folders I want to burn. I choose folders from "My Music" collection. *) As a side note, as I plan to have several CD's from the same group on the CD I rename the top folder to "artist - album title" as this will show up in the Prius. I make sure that I only have one layer of folders on the CD as this is what the manual seem to indicate is requered to see Artist/Song info. *) Once I dragged and dropped enough song onto the CD I choose burn and viola I have a VMA CD with higher quality! Hope this helps
Thanks unrhuly, As I said in my post above I do think there is a difference between Variable Data Rate WMA and 192 kbps WMAs. Not that the 192kbps sounds bad, but it do sound flatter then the Variable Data Rate one. I in general think WMA sounds better then MP3. MP3 was the first ripping standard and is quite old now. Try WMA when you have a chance. I'm picky about sound and want the best quality I can get. I do think the 192kbps sounds more then acceptable, the VBR one sounds a little spacier (a good thing) and I suspect straight CD's sound even better. I will use the VBR ones for now.
Let me get this straight: you have both CD/mp3 AND a line-in ?!? waaaaaaaaaahhhhh OK. Fine. Whatever. So tell me, do you have DVD/ogg ?? Heh. Thought so.
I would love DVD capabilty... 6x6Gb would take at least half of my collection! I think we have to wait a few years for that... Still 24-30 Albums in the car is nice and provides nice variety, I need to figure out if it can handle multple playlists somehow (would be nice). I also played the music I ripped as WMA Variable Bit Rate (highest setting through Windows Media Player) at home and compared the recoding to the CD (by syncing the music and switching back and forth). The ripped music is really close to CD quality even on a rather high-end stereo system. My Fiancee couldn't hear a difference and I could hear some difference in 'spaceiness' but it's minute and not a problem for everyday listening. So I have decided to digitize my whole collection (700+ cds) onto my computer and the use an XBOX360 to stream it through. It's all Prius fault! /Robert
I like the 6-CD in my package 8, but find I use the aux line-in and my Zen a LOT more... organized playlists, 5G HD, pretty much never hear the same song twice. All songs on my Zen in about 192 compression, very sweet to me. I also find the first cupholder fits my coffee, the second one fits my Zen, and the line-out does not keep the console from closing. SO when I park it for the day, I just unplug, close the cupholder and put the aux-line back in the middle console. No carrying around a few dozen cd's for me! (don't get me started on Creative labs Zen vs Ipod. Different can of worms. Had a few 100 CD's on Laptop in WMA, and did not want to have to convert everything to Itune all for the priveledge of a smaller hard drive)
I assume you have no integration with the MFD right? i.e you need to control the Zen from it. In a way that is acceptable and probably the way I will go once I have my collection done but I would like to see automatic integration between the Prius and music players through a USB port! For me being able to see the artist and song name on the MFD is sweet (mayebn it's just the newness of it)
I just found an annoyance with the Artist/Song being diisplayed. Maybe it's just the way I burned the cd, but once the car is moving, you can't go to "FOLDER" list to directly access a folder. I think the only way to do it is by using the Up/Dn button and moving a folder at a time. This bites 'cause you don't know the name on the folder. (I named the folder with the album title). Does anyone know how to make the folder list visible while in motion?
Yeah I agree.... This is a hassle... Never had a car that is soo trying to keep my eyes on the road. Would be interesting with an override but I haven't seen it
Yes, have to control Zen by hand... but I make large playlists in advance, so I just basicly hit random play inside a playlist I feel like, and it is like a very large CD...40,50 songs seperated by genre the way I want them seperated. Since I dont bother with songs I dont want, I just put into the playlists stuff I know I will want to listen to, so really no"bad" songs ever come up and not limited by length of cd, even as MP3. Pretty cool feature: A lot of the reason I went loaded, package 8 (besides the VERY cool bluetooth, and I really wanted elather) was the line-in feature.
From Robert: I also played the music I ripped as WMA Variable Bit Rate (highest setting through Windows Media Player) at home and compared the recoding to the CD (by syncing the music and switching back and forth). The ripped music is really close to CD quality even on a rather high-end stereo system. My Fiancee couldn't hear a difference and I could hear some difference in 'spaceiness' but it's minute and not a problem for everyday listening. Clarification, please: What version of media player are you using? Also, can you check any of the files and let us know what bitrate you've used? (This is available from the file system - right click, then click properties, then go to summary, then click the advanced button.) So I have decided to digitize my whole collection (700+ cds) onto my computer and the use an XBOX360 to stream it through. It's all Prius fault! Check out the squeezebox by SlimDevices -andy