I want improve my wife Prius v handling and I checked Tirerack.com. It suggested Eibach and H&R springs. I double checked and TIreRack.com sells same springs for regular Prius. Does anyone know if TRD springs for regular Prius fit on my Prius v? Also, I got a quote to install H&R springs (parts & labor) and alignment for $550. Do you think it's a good deal? What's about the handling? Too stiff and harsh for my wife? Sorry, this is my first time I plan to modify car suspension. Thank you for your comments T2
You can also try the Tanabe NF210s which will lower the stance and improve performance. There are only a handful of lowering applications for the v out there. If you are just going for springs, the NF210s have been fitted for the v. I have Tanabe coilovers and that are fantastic. Link below will take you to Tanabe product page but you will need to check with a local distributor in your area. Tanabe USA Inc. - Springs
I just installed Tanabe TNF 167 lower spring. front lower 0.7' back 1.0' The ride are very similar to the orginal but handleing was impressive for such small drop.
I thought Tanabe was the only one that carries the lowering spring for the Prius v. I'm waiting for that day when they have something lowers it a little more than what Tanabe sells.