I have a 2013 Prius V 2 which I love. From the very first tank I've managed to exceed 50 mpg on average (one fill-up was 49) and usually these days I get 51 or 52 mpg. Not too shabby for a car rated at 42-44, and with pretty much constant use of AC and daytime headlights. Overall, I am very pleased. I would love to get it up to 55 mpg, but it seems impossible. Sometimes the display actually reads 55 for a while, but then I hit a few hills and lights and it gets dragged back down again. Truth to tell, my wife doesn't hyper-mile, so that hurts a bit, but to my surprise sometimes she comes home and the mpg is actually higher than I last left it at! I do the pulse-and-glide and I am constantly backing off the accelerator to stay in EV mode. I watched that video in that earlier topic from that Tacoma Toyota guy, who had a couple of interesting suggestions. Anyone else hitting a plateau? Any other tips for breaking through the plateau--videos, scenarios, ideas?
To get a tank average above 52 (55 indicated), you either have to do a lot of city driving (<40mph) or get stuck in city conditions on the freeway (ie. rush hour) every day. So, if you are getting tank averages of 49-51 with the A/C going, you are above the average Prius v driver! Keep up the good work!!
I guess I feel better then But I hear about people who are getting in the mid to high 50s. Maybe it's time to over-inflate the tires, take out the rear seat, and maintain a quarter tank of gas? Seriously speaking... of what use is the Torque app for helping tweak your mileage? I hear of people using it, but it's all techno-babble to me. Is there a handy dial that helps optimize energy use?
That would be the gas pedal. Here's where you are in the continuum, in the top 4%: Toyota Prius v MPG Reports | Fuelly
What I mean is, is there a particular data display in the Torque app that provides information to help optimize your mpg. Thanks, bp
The power meter (AKA throttle) is a pretty good measure. But being in the top 4% already, you're faced with increasing difficulty resulting in diminishing returns. Not to mention being seriously distracted while driving.
I wonder if all the owners having problems have had an oil change ever? Does the V need the expensive 0w20 oil to gain the best mpg's? If it does and the dealers have put in the cheaper 5w30 oil, then I recon that's your problem. I have reported a number of times how I couldn't get past 60 mpg UK (50 mpg US) when the dealers accidentally (I'll take them at their word) put in the cheaper 5w30. Once it was replaced with 0w20 the mpg's went back upto 75 mpg UK (about 60+ mpg US).
Thanks, I'll check that. But the car's pretty new with only one oil change so far, and I'm pretty sure they put in synthetic, or at least that's what the invoice said.
You may want to check the tire pressures, and perhaps look into grill blocking although I'd be careful about doing that in a warm climate. Mostly? I'd investigate something called the Law of Diminishing (Marginal) Returns. If you're getting 51 in the Station Wagon? I think I'd be pretty happy about that. If it's bugging you that much either club up to a G3 or pip, or consider an electric. Good Luck!
If you can get them in the right size for your model v, then you might consider replacing your tires with the Michelin Energy Saver A/S tire. Many Prius owners ... including a v owner--rdgrimes report significant MPG improvements with this tire. Same for me, replacing brand new OEM Toyo tires, the difference was immediate and unmistakable. 4-5 MPG boost instantly. Same size, same pressure.2013 Prius-v Model 5 with AT package.
2012 Prius V. I am now getting 51-51.5 actual MPG per tank. (Usually the computer says 53.5 to 54.5) I was stuck at 49 until the 10k oil change when the dealer put in synthetic oil and from then on I have been over 50. I have to give a lot of the credit to a long, relatively flat, stretch on the daily commute to work (22 miles RT) and only 6 miles on the expressway. I have noticed that when I have an excessive number of trips, during the couple weeks between fillups (take that, Honda Pilot , on the expressway at 65mph it is all I can do to break 50 mpg for the tank. All in all I am very pleased with the milage