Congrats on the purchase! I did the same with the headrests in the back seat also: gone. I do keep one in the hatch just in case someone rides in the back (the other side of the back seat holds the car seat for my son). The rest are in my basement. I can't say enough about how removing those have helped visibility.
I assume everyone is also semi-permanently stowing the middle seat's seat belt in the ceiling to also improve visibility? I think I've used it either once or twice in over a year of ownership and that was somewhere near the beginning.
Welcome home. My Prius c was my first new car ever and on day one became my all time favorite car. It has revolutionized my driving and my driving experience. I even get a little upset now when I see other Prius and ESP Prius C owners speeding past me most definitely in power mode and wasting fuel. So surely those lashes are hurting your aerodynamics and causing some drag.
Yes. See the manual for instructions, but basically just take the belt buckle and use it in the little slot on the third point buckle. That will release it and you can then stow both buckles in the roof.
Nothing to add but welcome. You will enjoy the car. Especially at the " pump ". Just had the 20 k oil change and talked them into doing it free again at 30 k. Had our's a year now. No complaints. Dan
Ps, thanks for the tip on belt in back. I never could figure out how to move it. Our rear seats are always folded down. Now it is stored in the roof. Great forum. Dan
My rear right and left headrests have been bouncing around the rear cargo area since the day I took delivery. I know some of the earlier (and lower like the center headrest) Toyota and Scion rear headrests fit but I've never bought a set. YMMV
You probably wouldn't want to hear, then, that I raced a Crossfire and some very hip dude in a shiny black Acura last Friday. I lost the drag race but won the traffic melee. Respect the C. I dont always race in a Prius, but when I do...I usually lose.
I see this close to the local college I go to.. Posted it up in another thread and was directed to this one.. I'm guessing here, but is this yours?