2006 HCH's going for around $1000 OFF MSRP!

Discussion in 'Dealers & Pricing' started by clintd555, Feb 9, 2006.

  1. clintd555

    clintd555 New Member

    Jan 26, 2006
    I was just browsing the Honda CIvic forums again and there were several people buying the new 2006 Honda Civic Hybrid for around $1000 BELOW MSRP. This means you can probably get a fully loaded HCH with Nav for $22,300. Not bad at all considering this newly redesigned car is in it's first year!

    My question is, why isn't Toyota increasing their production so that the Prius can become less of a high demand vehicle? I don't know about you guys, but being that the Prius has been a huge success since it's release MANY years ago, you'd think Toyota would have stepped up production by now. It makes me wonder if they're taking advantage of its success at this point. Meanwhile their competition is selling their new redesigned model below MSRP on it's first year! <_<

    I have to admit that I was shocked to see fully loaded Prius's going for around $32k. For that amount of money you could get a fully loaded Volvo S40. Now given your MPG wouldn't be as nearly as good as a hybrid, it just seems as though Toyota's milking the cow more than what it's worth because Volvo is in a totally different class than a Toyota. :unsure:

    I personally wouldn't pay $30k for a hybrid, but the 20's to mid 20's are more in my ballpark. It gets to a point where you couldn't re-coupe the fuel savings unless gas prices hit the $4 and $5 mark and you own the car for like 15 years! That is unless of course you were buying the car to make a statement. But when I buy cars I think of comfort, safety, fuel, dependability and total cost. If you match these points up to say a Volvo vs a Toyota...well you get my point. The Toyota will probably only win in the fuel and dependability catagory. (I'm not Toyota bashing either... I really like Toyotas so don't get me wrong. I'm just wondering about their motives with the Prius.)

    I'm just hoping that when I test drive the Prius, I'll see that the quality is as good as the cost. I hope so anyway... :rolleyes:
  2. paprius4030

    paprius4030 My first Prius

    Aug 12, 2004
    2012 Prius
    Look at the production numbers. It's supply and demand. Honda's are in ample supply and Toyota's aren't and Toyota is making as many as they can.
  3. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Yeah. Everyone's going for the Prius, so anyone looking at an HCH has their work cut out for them. Just walk in and purchase. Heck, you can probably get more than $1,000 off for an HAH cause they're not selling very well. (I've only seen 2!)

    Sure, they're making a lotta money even at MSRP but if you ask me, that just means they have more money to spend on hybridizing their other models, increasing supply of parts, lowering cost which will, in a few years, come back to us with the new Prius at lower cost.
  4. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    For many of us, I dare say that this has nothing to do with our purchase decision.

    If I decide to buy a $40k Volvo V70 instead of the $28k Prius... will I ever recoup my costs? For some people, just having the HOV decals is worth a $10k premium. You just never know what makes things valuable to anybody else.

    I want the Prius for reasons beyond the reasonably good gas mileage, and I have no intention of paying myself back in fuel savings. Hell, I pay as much as I possible can for the gas I buy.

    It is fortunate that we don't all think alike. :)
  5. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    Just thought of another example.... how long will it take to pay back my gas savings if I bought a robotic electric lawn mower instead of using a gas mower?

    I own an electric mower, and it has NOTHING to do with the savings of gasoline, for sure!
  6. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    It would be the *dealer* that makes the extra profit. The car maker has a set price that it gets from the dealers, so I'm afraid the "extra" money doesn't really to go R&D.
  7. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    yep, it's the dealers. not toyota.

    and they're limited to producing cars only as fast as the components (hv battery, etc) are produced.

    and demand is much higher for the prius.

    there ya go.
  8. clintd555

    clintd555 New Member

    Jan 26, 2006
    Depends on how much you value your time. :) If it takes 30 mins to mow your yard with your electric push mower and you value your time at $100 per hour, you'll quickly make up the savings.. probably within the first mowing season. Even if you valued your time at $50 per hour, you'll make up the savings very quickly.

    If you pay a landscaping company to mow your lawn, you'll also make up the savings pretty quick because instead of paying them to mow, they only need to trim the yard and hedges less frequently.

    The mower does pay for itself for most people who buy it. In fact, that's the deciding factor for most who buy it... after they sit down and do the math, it's a no brainer. It's not a statement, it's not just about the environment... some people (unfortunately) who own these mowers couldn't careless about the environment. They buy it because it saves them time which transates into money, more time with the family or just physically unable to do it.

    Guess I'm trying to relate the same to the Prius... on paper I believe I can break even with the Prius in about 8 years. I plan on keeping it over 10 years so I haven't ruled out the Prius just yet! It's still on my hot list. :)
  9. PsyPrius

    PsyPrius Member

    Jan 21, 2006
    Wilmette, IL
    I agree that Priuses are hiked up in price because of the "buzz" and supply and demand, however I have been able to occasionaly bargain them down considerably (the one I am hopefully getting within a week will be about $1000 below MSRP). It requires ALOT of work, but can be done. However, it is just a matter of time before enough production is there, the "buzz" chills, and we hear things like "cash incentives, etc" on the Prius.
  10. MyPria

    MyPria New Member

    Nov 15, 2005
    Colorful Colorado
    I think the dealers won't deal on the Prius as much as other cars, not only because of supply and demand, but also because of the federal tax credit and many state credits. Their making hay when they can.