From San Jose it is about 3 hours. It takes me 3.5 to get to SF. I have a Prius (obviously), and I got my broker to buy one, so that's 2! People already talk about the fact that there is 2 parked outside everyday- can you imagine if there was a whole row?? haha
that would be pretty cool. I saw something for the first time today.. two Prius's driving in a row.. sure. .i've done it on the freeway.. but this was city streets. both silver
so are we meeting on the 18th then ? and i think i was the one who sugested it .. but yeah brodway and 101 could be cool and not to hard to get to.. as for the person who asked how long it would take them to get from sanjose to burling game .. its about halfway to sf .. so yeah .. like half an hr travle time .. but any ways count me in .. if were deffinetly doing it Chris Woodside CA 2004 Silver Prius Ipod Hook up through the multy disk cd player B)
Seems like the planning of a Prius get together guarantees that the weather will turn nasty. Have you seen the forecast for Saturday? The worst weather of the week. Pretty funny!
V8CobraKid - you will have no doubt noticed by now that while you were in CO the number of Prius on the road have at least doubled if not tripled. We're everywhere!!
Yep.. i see a prius everywhere.. i did before.. but now i don't even have to look for them. oh... bad weather.. i did look at the forecast.. should we re schedule?
If it's truly coming down on Saturday, that won't be much fun! I'm available either way -- this weekend or next -- unless I get a fantastically better offer.
come now alitle watter never hurt any one ... heh, but i supose since we are all californians we could put it to a vote .. -Chris 2004 Prius
They are predicting Snow! Well, in the hills above Bay, but Still... I would suggest we wait a week. It couldn't get any worse, and probably better. And it would give those who need a week to set some time off, the time they need. Lisa Proud Grandma of Nicholas William, Born Feb 11, 2006 and...
Hey all, So the 25th then ? as in this up coming saturday? < crosses fingers hoping for hot weather > but any way, cant wait to talk to my felow prius nuts.
I will let the Yahoo Groups (Bay Area Prius, Toyota Prius, and Prius-2G) know about the meeting. But I need to know what time first. 1 PM to 3 PM Does that sound good? Will give people 1 hour to respond then the message goes up. Lisa
hey, Bayside park sounds great, and as for 1-3pm that sounds prty good also though i may have to leave a bit early .. but yeah sounds good, and i may not get food at the fancy place cause i am ould school and love my good burgers .. lol .. but any ways .. yeah sounds good .. cant wait to see you all this sat the 25th B)
yep.. looks like it's all ready to go then.. i'm guessing you posted to other forums by now. Thanks for that.. yahoo doesn't like me.. and i don't like yahoo.. lol.. it's an old personal grudge i have. 1 to 3 it is... have we thought about food... is it possible to cook something there? i couldn't supply anything *shrug*.. i'll be lucky to have gas lol... but yeah.. just wondering...
1-3pm sounds good. That will give me a chance to wash the grime off the beast :wub: before I drive up.
Well, I'm not very fond of Bay Area Prius Group right now. I had to change my e-mail address (ID remained the same) and hadn't done a post yet. They currently have me on moderated. Not unusual, one usually sets it up that first post must be moderated (to keep out the spam). But they Still Haven't Approved the Post! It's been over a day now! *sigh* I've e-mailed owner off list to Wake Him/Her Up! I hope they aren't on vacation.... Lisa
25th sounds like a good day, but ... we're moving! Hope the turnout and weather are both good! I'd love to come to a Prius meet... wife and I both have one, i'm the one who's nuts about it, but she quietly adores hers ;-) How about next month too? Any plans for a follow up? Is it too early to plan for this?