Very pleased to join the group as a new owner of a C4. Thanks to all of you as I have been reading your posts as part of my research for the last couple of months. I knew all the facts and features--all I needed was a test drive. The car was better constructed and had more power than I was expecting based on comments I had read. My test drive included both city and highway driving and I was not disappointed with this little car's ability to accelerate and merge on I-65. Achieved 66MPG on the trip home--I can see how this car changes your driving habits. I wanted to keep it out of the red and watch the MPG go up, up, up! Anyway, thanks for the help your comments had. PriusChat is a wonderful service not only to current Prius owners but to those of us pondering the choice. A satisfied owner in Louisville, KY Bruce
Congrats on the new ride! You're going to love it even more as you get more acclimated to the car, and your MPG's will continue to go up as the car breaks in as well! I recommend joining Fuelly. It's a great site for you to track your MPG's over long term use, and get the most out of your sweet new ride!
Welcome Bruce! I live in Dry Ridge, KY and work near Carollton, many of my co-workers live in your area, I'm trying to convince them to buy a C! Enjoy the car! Chris
Welcome to the Prius C club. To increase your future MPG increase your tire pressure to 40 PSI on all 4 tires. Also, watch the vedios on on how to drive the Prius C for increased MPG. I have had my Prius C 2 moonglow for one year. My best MPG has been 133.31. When you see 99.9 MPG displayed on your engine shutdown trip summary report screen, you can calculate the actual MPG by the formula MPG = distance trip x cost per gal (last fill-up) / cost of trip. Example: 7.6 miles x $3.859 per gal. / .22 cents cost per trip. = 133.31 MPG. Trip distance and trip cost are found on the trip summary report when the ignition is turned off. Cost per gal. Is found in the settings screen entered during the last fill-up. if you install a Scan Gage 2 or Ultra Gage you can read actual MPG above 99.9MPG. I do not have them installed. I have a pocket calculator in the car to do the math if I think I have a really good MPG score. I always drive in the ECO mode and always use the ECO Score screen to control my MPG driving! I hope these tips will increase your future MPG and driving pleasure!
Reporting back on my purchase 1 week ago today, and I think if it's possible I'm even happier today than I was a week ago. I've driven more in a week than I usually do (I'm a teacher and with the start of school there was lots of inservice), but in a week I've driven about 330 miles and I still have a half tank of gas left. I love the ECO score screen and trying to get the best score for start, cruise and stop and tonight I got over 70 MPG on my trip into downtown Louisville from the suburbs to teach night school. Can't believe how much fun I'm having. I had a slight emergency on Saturday and had to make a trip driving like I used to before last Wednesday (like a bat out of hell) and even then I got 55 MPG. Couldn't be happier!
Welcome to the group. I am tempted to turn my display off so I don't worry about mileage but can't bring myself to do it. We enjoy our C more every day and have now had it for a year. It is not unusual for you to like it more and more. Just a Nice little car. I have hot rods that I don't worry about mileage in when driving but we bought the C strictly for mileage. Have spent money upgrading the less than desirable interior and find our money well spent. Of course, not liking the interior the way it came is just a personal thing with me. Many are happy with it. Dan