Hello all, My friend is selling his Prius 2009 with about 100300 miles on it. It's a standard hatchback, and he said he will have it pass the state inspection and emissions tests (we are in Maryland) before selling. He is asking $9500. He also said that 2 recalled parts are being replaced currently at the dealership. The car apparently has been in an accident, and my friend had to replace the rear door on the driver side. He claims that the accident was not a major one, and that the exterior and interior of the car are in excellent condition. I have never owned a hybrid vehicle. Would you have any advice on whether I should seriously consider buying this car, especially since the car has so many miles on it, and it has been in an accident? Is the price he is asking too high? Thank you, Fijoy
Hi and welcome fellow newbie! I am no expert but if something major had to be replaced, i.e a door, then that doesn't sound "minor" to me. When I pulled the carfax for my 05, before I bought it last month, it showed an accident but the owner gladly left the repair receipt in the glove box and it was just cosmetic, paint, sealant, etc. No replaced parts. I think that is minor, but that's just my opinion
If the accident is limited to the rear door just be certain that there's no leaks around the door seals. Check the underside body-frame in case that was damaged. If so, walk away. As far as the mileage is concerned, check the maintenance records thoroughly to ensure all major services were done. My 2004 Prius (primary owner) is over 220,000 miles and running like new putting on close to 700 miles a week. Good luck.
I just had the drivers side door, rear door replaced and side airbags from a TBone accident . So far the car drives fine but the visors fell down due to improper attachment and had to replace. Check with your fingers the point of contact between the front glass and the headliner for separation....our driver side front area is separated- no leaks just a lousy job.Being fixed Monday. No leaks yet, on the doors or glass, only a squeak on the door hinge. It has only been 3 weeks since we have had the car back so I assume if there were any issues mechanically, they should have popped up by now. I would take the car to another dealership to run diagnostics maybe? 2011 Prius .
Looks like a good deal. How many miles will you be driving a year? You are starting to get in the mileage when things may start to need repair. Just be prepared.
Thank you megatsea for the reply. How can I know if there are leaks around the fixed door? Would taking it to a car wash help?
Thank you JMD for the reply. I'll be driving around 10K miles a year. The KBB is indicating a value of $9050 assuming that this car is in very good condition. I wouldn't say the car is in excellent condition given the accident. That's why I'm wondering if $9500 is too much.
There was a diminished value on my car for $4500, for the 2011 Prius,under 34000 miles, due to the accident. I think the insurance company was very fair . I haven't gone to a car wash yet, thinking the heavy daily rains would indicate any issues to date. We have had torrential almost daily Florida rains from all directions, no leaks so far . The seal/trim on the interior headliner showed poorly, the headliner gap bugs me, and the visors were not snapped in correctly....Air bags replaced as well on the drivers side.....the collision department is fixing what pops up as there is a lifetime warrantee on their repairs as long as we own the car- but a hassle to keep returning to have them re-fix the checklist we have. Google the value of the car and subtract a Diminished value and make an offer. At least you have repair invoices to work with. How long ago was the accident? Would a dealership give you a trade in value on the car for a comparison to a private sale? If it was quite a while back, during your rainy season- you should have a musty smell and maybe some discoloration inside if it leaked......check under the floor mats as well for color and smell. If he is a friend- then you have a better relationship for a better deal hopefully. This forum truly helped me work through my accident ..... Good luck!
Thanks megatsea for the tips on checking for leaks - all good suggestions. I don't know how long ago the accident was, but I'll be sure to check with him. Also, does anyone know when the warranty on Prius expires? I'm seeing in some online resources that it expires at 100K miles.
The hybrid components warranty is 8 years/100k miles in most states, but 10 years 150k miles in California and I believe all other states that use their emissions standards (looks like Maryland is one of them).