I like EV City mode, it helps me catching-up with traffic without the fear of starting the ICE. Example: merging into main street traffic in the city from side street. Manual says (pgs 54 and 58: EV City mode limits motor output and minimizes the operation of the ICE. Therefore the vehicle can be driven with only electric motor in city traffic. and: When it is necessary to accelerate the vehicle, depress the accelerator pedal completely (and the mode will be cancelled). I found the pedal to be quite responsive until close to motor output power limit, in fact, it feels a bit more vivid than EV normal mode. Very close to the limit it becomes very non-responsive. ECO mode together with EV City mode is possible to get the best out of the two for increased efficiency. I do not miss the Power mode, in fact I never used it in previous hybrids (O.K. I used it once to convince a potential buyer...). These are first impressions, I only drove the car for about 200 km (plus another 300 km by my wife who is enjoying it very much).
Congrats on your 2013 PiP! That would suggest the motor output is not limited in the US PiP. We can go up higher speed to 62 mph as well. It makes me wonder if it will be less efficient during hard acceleration in EV mode (US). Eco in EV mode makes the accelerator very easy to control (stay in EV) for me.
Thanks, I love it. PPI launched in Israel a month ago I am the 6TH owner they told me, and the first user who is living in an apartment building! and it was not easy to complete a charging point in my parking space (which is privet but open and close to the street).
AS a matter of fact, I like the 53mph limit of the motor as well (as opposed to the 62mph US model) as the motor is 'energy hungry' in high speeds and I do not mind spending some gasoline drops for the sake of energy efficiency. I suppose the limitation is also good for battery longevity, limiting the amperage draw in high speeds
You guys have 220v so a full charge is 1.5 hours. PiP is probably the ideal car to have in a city like Tel Aviv. How far is your commute?
Yea, air drag would drain the battery faster than it can recharge from the plug, high speed EV is not worth it. Our manual also has a caution not to stay near max EV speed for a long time. My target speed in EV mode is 50-55 mph.
In weekdays, it is used by my wife, her commute is 17 km (one leg) into Tel Aviv, 9 km out of it is highway (speed limit 90 km/hr, 100 km/hr most drivers). She can charge at work and plan to do so in those occasions she will use the car in Tel Aviv during the day (maybe twice a week). Our grandchildren are now 11 km (one leg) away from us - perfect!
I Think it is easy in the summer to stay in ev mode in normal driving. In the winter however I find it quite easy to let it slip into the power mode, if yor are not paying attention. It goes into Power area much much easier in -10 or -20 below zero.
These comments mirror my experiences too. My impression is also that the rate of depression of the pedal can also trigger ICE, without the pedal being flat to the floor. Presumably the ever-so-clever (think kid in class who always had his hand up) PiP thinking uh-oh, trouble here, better get going in response to an unusually sharp application of the throttle.
Or, to put it in other words: Uh-oh, trouble here, better get going in response to an unusual demand from the loose-nut that is behind the wheel...