just like the title says! I just purchased GEN III with 38k and really dig the car. I'm new to the hybrid scene, but I've always been a car enthusiast. Long story short, the owner only had 1 Key Fob and for reassurance I'm looking to pick one up USED and have it reprogrammed for my ride. Any recommendations of where I could get this done? Any cheaper alternative to Dealer prices???
If you get the brand new fob and some $25 ebay mangoose cable you'll be able to program it yourself or pay locksmith to program it for less than $50, dealer will charge $50 to $100 to program the fob. The fob from trdpartsexpress will cost around $190 shipped. The used pre-programed fob from ebay will be cheaper but only dealers could programmed it for bigger bucks. Programmed the new fob will take less than 5 minutes from start to finish.