Gone up 15 cents this week and national reports on the news tonight wondering why if the US is producing so much more oil, ... As if the congresscritters would ever have a clue. Summer.
Paying about $4.00 here in Redmond, WA...and climbing. I'm so glad that I have a Prius! SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 ? 2
$3.49 it was dropping for weeks until yesterday jumped to $3.75 in NW Chicago now it's in a range of $3.54-$3.75 it is so crazy............
It was around 3.10 last night, but today is Friday. If the pattern holds it will go back up to around $3.30 again very soon....and on a Friday. Not much you can do about it.
Believe I paid $3.87 at the pump the last time I was there. Sounds silly but I'm happy it's in the 3's (vs. the 4's).