i want to do a stealth install for a aftermarket head unit, im looking at a few cheaper ones from bestbuy (JVC KDR540 for example). My question is whether or not i will be able to still use the bluetooth that is currently built into the car, and can i still use the controls on the steering wheel with the new head unit? Im ultimately looking to install a sony xplod 12 inch, and wanted to go ahead and get a aftermarket head unit so i dont have to use a crossover from the current amp under the passenger seat to the new boss 1600 watt amp i have to power the sub. let me know your thoughts
You would have to get a radio that has bluetooth built in (or with an adapter). You can get steering wheel control adapters to get the controls working with it, just make sure the radio supports it.
they wouldn't interfere with each other? i thought if i kept the stock head unit then the steering wheel controls would still work?
I'm not very experienced with the way the Prius' radio is wired, but I'm pretty sure that you would be removing all power from the original radio when the other radio is installed. Pretty much the only difference between a stealth install and removing the stock radio is that it still looks stock. So the stock radio's bluetooth won't be on (it wouldn't interfere anyway, just pair your phone to the new radio). I'm not 100% sure about the wheel controls needing the adapter, but I haven't heard of any other car not needing one for them to work.
i believe the original radio can retain some functions but NO audio which the bluetooth would be going through. you can get a bluetooth version radio for like $20 more but please dont put a "BOSS" brand amp in the prius. they are crap.
yah you're right, if I'm going to do this i might as well do it right the first time. i have read that i must keep power to the stock HU because it will set off warning lights if the mfd doesnt see its there, im just looking for a parts list for the complete install. A complete list would help out lots of people who are not sure what to buy including all their part numbers.