Sorry if this is too soon with the update and all, but the problem I was having before with the layout of the page being too big to fit in my computer's window is now worse. There is at least two inches of space I have to scroll to on the right to see everything on the page. Of course, this means I don't see what is on the left side of the page when have had to scroll to the right side of the page. I know this is non-issue for those of you setting your monitors to 1024 by 768, but it is when your monitor is set at 800 by 600. If I am the only one with this problem, no worries, I'll learn to deal with it. Jeff
jeff, although i run my monitor @ 1280*1024 i find myself in the same boat as you. i don't run my browser @ full screen, it takes up about 2/3 of the screen so i can have multiple programs running and within a click's reach. i also have about "2 inches" to scroll to the right to see the whole post. i am going to look at the preferences to see if i can get rid of the bar on the left, but ideally i'd like to just move it to the right hand side. -drew
Even on my 19" monitor, and with the window stretched out to the full width of the screen, it does not fit. My suggestion is that all the stuff on the left side could be moved to the top or bottom, and then the minimum allowable width for the column with the text of the posts could be reduced. On the old board (and other boards obviously using the same or similar software) that column expands or shrinks to fit into whatever window size the browser is in. Another possibility would be to move the user name, avatar, & other info so it's above the text, rather than along the left.
I guess part of the issue is the avatars are so big here. But yeah, if the message width could resize automatically to a smaller minimum width that'd work great. In any case, thanks to Danny for all the hard work!
Danny, You are the man! It is much better now at 800x600. The View Posts since last visit still has some space on the right, but is not a big deal. When I click on any of the topics, it fits perfectly. Thanks so much. Jeff :lol:
Youre almost there. My screen is a samsung syncmaster 760V TFT 17" and needs about another inch or so. You can do it!
Here's something I've also noticed on other boards, so maybe there's no way to fix it: Normally the width is fine, and to a point I can narrow my browser window and everything adjusts. But if someone posts a wide picture, it forces all the posts wide, and I have to scroll to read each line of every post. It would be nice (if there is a way to do it) to keep all posts at the default width, and allow only the wide post to go wide.
The same thing happens when a long URL is posted. The entire section grows to the length of the URL. Jeff
Is it possible to give each post its own embedded table, so that if someone posts a wide picture (or URL), only that table forces horizontal scroll? (in theory, other posts would respect the browser window size?)
Hopefully that will be fixed within the next week or so. I finally found the setting to enable thumbnailing for when people post image attachments to their posts. That was getting on my nerves 8)