It does vary by carrier and state. I work for a major auto insurance company and in most states we write 6 month terms, but in a few we do annual policies. We don't discount paying in full, but if you break it up into installments we charge a $5 monthly service fee, so it's similar.
I have farmers and because I have two dings on my record... I am looking at $150/month for insurance... Isn't that BAD!??
I pay $100 per month. Record is clear. Bad depends on what coverages you get. But I would imagine with 2 dings it seems normal
26 years old just under $100 a month 25/50/25, $1000 deductables. clean record, no claims, ever northern california i'm getting reamed
That's pretty low coverage... 100/300 is a more realistic coverage to cover your a**. I pay $512/6 mo for my new Prius and a 2001 Avalon with full boat coverage incl comp/collision, 100/300, $500 ded and I live in LA county.
I just dropped it from 50/100/50. Considering dropping the collision/comprehensive coverage in about a year and picking up a dashcam too.
I have AAA, I drive 45 miles to work or 35k per year, I pay 1900 a year, over the top coverage and 1k deductable. I have had no driver issues in 26 years.
Your deductible is right where it needs to be, but the coverages are a lot lower than a hundred should be buying. You live in the PRC and depending on your zip code and the number of miles you drive per year you're probably not overpaying. I'd shop around some. You're over 25 and you've got a clean record, and depending on some other factors you might save some money. I'd keep the 1k deductible and try to go six-figures on the liability. It doesn't cost you anything to shop but a little time if you already have the 'puter and connectivity!
Oh I've shopped around extensively. This is my best rate. It's high most likely because my wife isn't 25 yet and she is a rated driver on the policy (2 cars, 2 drivers).
Just checked mine today $152 a month for the 2013 prius full coverage, $71 a month 2010 Cadillac Srx4 awd loaded ? WTH? SPH-L710 ? 2
Could be many things. Where do you live? (rhetorical I don't really care) Is the quote accurate? The 2010 Caddy is a different car driven by a different demographic, and it may have been your old rate. It might be a safer car (note to thin-skinned Prius prudes: I did say "might") A 3 year old SRX might be worth less than a 1 year old G3. The Caddy might be easier to fix. may just need to do some more internet shopping for auto insurance.
You may have a "LOW" price, but will that price keep you protected in the event of an accident that's your fault? What if someone hits you and they have no insurance? Does your policy offer you roadside assistance? What type of reputation does your company have when it comes to paying out on claims? Some insurance carriers actually LOOK for ways not to pay in the event of a claim. If you don't know the answer to any ONE of those questions than your insurance agent hasn't taken the time to explain them effectively to you..
Aha nice one Andreyco! Preferred carriers like Travelers, Nationwide, Safeco, etc won't make excuses and look for ways to get out of paying. Most clients don't really appreciate the preferred carriers until they have an accident. Obviously though if you lie on your application about your address, name/etc theirs a good chance it'll come up when an accident occurs.
Paying $53 per month at Geico full coverage, uninsured, towing, high liability. No tickets in over 15 years. A few accidents but none my fault and all minor. I shop around every 3 years getting up to 3 quotes. AAA is very high. Mercury is cheap but I hear if you have an accident they drop you. Geico is very competitive. They reward loyalty with additional discounts. I drive low miles