I am looking to pick up another EVSE to keep mounted in the garage, so I can keep the OEM one in the trunk for charging at work and out and about. I found this Leviton one; Leviton EVC11-300 Evr-Green Portable EVSE Anyone use this one? Does it affect charge times at all? Quicker? Slower? Bout the same? I trust Leviton as a brand for electrical stuff.. just curious about how this one works.. AND BEFORE WE GO THERE.. 220-240 is out of the question for me for a lot of reasons! lol
I saw that one But I guess that company went out of business.. (slight concern on my part....lol ) Also the Leviton one can be bout for under $400 as well if you shop around
There's a guy on eBay selling level 1 chargers for $300. I wanted a spare when my 240 upgraded Toyota EVSE was sent back because of a short in the cord. iPad ? HD
That's like trusting a dealership salesman to tell you that the car goes 20 miles on a single charge at highway speeds :-P
Ended up getting a brand new one on Ebay for $400 shipped. Really like it. Has the choice to charge at 7 amps or 12 amps. Obviously 7 amps is slower (not much )and 12 amps is about the same charge time as the OEM Panasonic evse. Becuase I charge typically with "no rush" I am using the 7 amp setting as to have less stress on the garage circuit/ outlet. All in all very pleased. It also made me realize that the outlet I was using with the OEM evse was not porperly grounded. It wouldn't allow the unit to turn the charger on. Has a built in "fault protection". Samsung Galaxy S4 mobile cellular device