hrm.. i wonder if i can get a white and a seaside pearl to go along with my tideland. and then i'll have a full set of Totoro pic:
I've decided on Max for my black Prius. Short for Maximus. Yes, as in Prius Maximus. My boss likes to call him Prius Maximus Decimus Meridius (Russell Crowe's character in Gladiator, minus 'Prius' obviously).
Mine's named after Sheila of Red vs. Blue fame. Though she's certainly no tank! "You know, for a big girl, you're kinda sensitive"
Well, not much surprise what my Prius is called. The surprise to me is how few people, standing looking at the plate on the car, actually get it. I didn't think it was obscure enough, but I was wrong. Maybe if I put a black mask on Silver and dress up like the Lone Ranger... Hey, Jennifer. What do you think of Blaximus? It sort of rolls black, prius, and maximus all together. Not that Prius Maximus Decimus Meridius isn't perfectly suitable, of course.
I would just be reminded of Blaxploitation if I used Blaximus as a name. No sir, I don't like it. I like calling him Max. Blax just doesn't have the same effect.
Sorry, Jennifer. I hadn't thought of that connotation. I take back the suggestion. If I may ask, how comfortable are you with "black prius chicks"? I'll stop if you'd prefer.
You know, I realllllly want someone to paint their Prius yellow, stick some yellow warning cones on the top and call it Prikachu
I'm comfortable being referred to as a 'black prius chick' or 'chick w/a black prius' but my car is to be called Max/Maximus from here on out. Or Prius Maximus.
I saw a black 1/30 one on Ebay yesterday. A real beaut, but I'm not sure I'm willing to part with $64.99 to have it.
Save your money. They're a collector's item, and as such, may go up in price, but as models go, it's not wonderful. The 1/43 Minichamps has the best detail by far, and it's cheaper, too. But they only come in red, as far as I know. I'm waiting for Tamiya to release a plastic model kit, and then I can do all the customising I want.
Vancouver, BC has several yellow Prius taxis - I mean Prikachus! Any suggestions for a name for the red and white Prius taxis?
Well, some vehicles just name themselves. We have a truck that followed a van named "Ed". The truck is a red Ford Ranger. It got the the name FRed by being just what it is. So far the court is out on our Prius, but I've been calling it Quicksilver for it's mercurial disposition and tendency to go faster than it should.
Okay, but only if it's one without the NAV system. Because I don't even want to think about what the Prikachu voice would sound like.