Hello all, Thought I'd introduce myself... I've been reading and searching the forums here for months and finally picked up my (new to me) Prius. It's an 05 touring with 61K miles. I'll try to post some pics soon! I look forward in learning a ton and using this site and wonderful fellow Prius owners as a guide to many things to come, in taking care/modding/learning, etc. about the Prius. Cheers!
Welcome to learning more about a car than you ever thought you would - at least that's what has happened in my case. Happy motoring in your Prius!
Thanks all! Yeah, the previous owner(s) garaged it... The paint is as glossy and fresh as 2012. I realize there is a plethora of information on this site. I'm slowly reading through everything to get a better grasp of the prius. My main focus right now is adapting new driving techniques, learning how to maximize my MPG's, etc. I'm coming from a 2011 Civic SI so, as you may know, the driving WILL indeed be different.