Driving mine soothes me. I like to go for scenic drives, just to drive it. Anyone else feelt this way?
I'm more relaxed, laid back, when driving my Prius. I now realize the majority of "other" drivers, drive too fast, too carelessly, with no consideration of others. I've never been a bad driver in my opinion, just a better driver now.
I find that long trips are really enjoyable, set the cruise about 68 and hit the right lane. Makes good time and don't have to fight traffic, seldom come upon someone slower and running that speed makes it easier for ramp traffic to merge. It's a lot more relaxing than switching lanes and fighting traffic.
Yes it definitely calms me. I love watching the idiots weave in and out trying to get ahead of just one car and slamming on their brakes and stop. They might be getting 10-15 mpg in the gas sucking suv's and pickups. Here in Houston drivers think it's their God given right to drive 80 miles an hour through a school zone in a driving rain storm.
yeah i like driving mine and it has also made me relax when on the road. It did make me realize also how many REALLY bad drivers there are, then of course you always have those $%#@! that love to just cut you off no matter what speed you are driving bc your are in a Prius.
Yes, the Prius is calming, which is good to a point. Just so I get to spend nice weekends winding up the revs, and the excitement level, in my S2000.
I go for a ride when I want to do some preventative maintenance on the soul....something you may want to consider since your state has some very nice roads for it. People in cars usually drive through the country, while people on bikes ride IN the country. If you're an eco-weenie, you can always bi-cycle (as long as you don't take it too seriously....) or be an early adopter for one of the electro-cycles. A Prius? Er.... (*??*) yeah. Sure. Why not? A friend of mine down the road absolutely LOVES to garden. Me? Whenever I see new plants in the yard I'm always thinking: "The court hereby sentences you to 6 hours at hard labor.....BALIF! Remand the prisoner to the front yard!!" Takeaway: Soul Cleansing takes many forms.
Yes, the Prius does relax me while driving. After 4 years I still look forward to getting in the car every morning and driving to work. Makes the 26 mile trip enjoyable. I have never felt this way with any other vehicle.
It is fun except driving I-15 in San Diego during rush hour, then the visibility defects really spook me. I had to put on those round convex mirrors and a wide rearview extension so I am not cutting off other cars. Oh well, at least fuelly shows me 50.2 mpg with all the hills so I am happy.
Yup...cruise at 65, dont have to deal with speeding up or slowing down with traffic and people cutting you off. I also learned to relax in traffic and not try to close all the gaps which has resulted in an average of 57.2 and 56.6 over 2 tanks at an average speed of 35mph. (52 west to 15n to Miramar for you SD peeps)