I might buy a Prius C this week. There is a white C 2 that I have my eye on but I can't seem to bring myself to drive over to the dealership and trade in my existing car. I'm currently driving an 08 Saturn Astra with 110000 miles and I'm starting to get a little worried about it's reliability. I drive about 50 miles a day and I average about 32 mpg with my Saturn so the C seems like it would be a nice upgrade. Anybody have any thoughts for me that could help push me in one direction or the other? I'd really like to kn f it's a fun car to drive. I've gone on a couple test drives and it felt pretty good but I'd like to get some feedback from other people. I haven't owned an automatic in a long time.
I have a 2011 Liftback and my wife got a 2013 "C" 2 months ago. She loves it. I've not driven it much, but it's a great car to drive. The storage space in the trunk is a negative for the car, fuel economy is AWESOME! What will you be using it for?
I will be using it to commute between work and school. Pretty much every trip I make throughout the day is 20-25 (one way)miles of mixed city and highway driving. The size of the car doesn't worry me, the car I have now is a small 2 door hatch and I love small cars.
Sounds to me like a great choice. The technology is these cars is VERY smart. We loved the Prius so much we bought another, and won't look back. Good luck.
Yes, it is fun to drive. Every day I I drive it I look forward to trying to beat my personal best gas mileage. It's like playing a video game in real life. Great car.
Definitely. I used to enjoy accelerating away from a stoplight and leaving all the other cars way behind me. Not anymore. I still accelerate, but very very slowly. I generally drive the same route to and from work. Over time I am learning how to drive it better, such that, on my way to work I can get 71 mpg. Now my goal is to be able to do the same on the way back as well.
Yeah, I feel like I would have fun trying to squeeze mpg out of the thing. I do that with my car now but I don't get awesome numbers like you guys. Does anyone have any experience driving a C in the snow. I live in michigan so it's something I have to take into consideration. I use a set of Blizzaks to get me through the winter on my current car.
I have a 2012 Prius C Two moonglow. I really love the moonglow color after living with it for a year! I think your idea of buying an option Two is a good one. I selected a TWO with no regrets. I think the Two option pack gives you the most options for dollars spent. The C is a great one or two people car. if you have children buy the larger Prius model. I agree with the posted thread - "The Prius C is a fun car to drive!" I love my little car. I call it Roadrunner because I live in the desert.
I traded in a 2010 Kia Forte that was averaging 30 MPG for my C4 last week. I figured that if my Prius averages 50 MPG (so far it has been WAY above that) and I drive 12,000 miles a year that is a savings of 600 gallons of gas a year. At $4/gallon that is $2,400 savings IN GAS ALONE a year. Pretty awesome, and the great thing is that when I'm driving it I don't feel like I'm giving up anything!
I traded in a 2005 Corolla with 120k miles on it the weekend before last. I had some foolish emotional attachment to the car and was a little sad to leave it at the dealer. After driving my C2 for a week now I wish I had done it months ago!
Maintenance schedule for Prius is very simple and easy. Do a search on it. Get the Smart key and your ownership experience will not be the same.
I thought about getting the 3 with the smart key but I am on a budget and I don't think I want to have the higher payment.