I had to send the following message to a friend whose Prius I borrowed. I stupidly attached a suction cup ( for a GPS, as this model doesnt have one built in) to the touch screen and now it doesn't work properly. You can't push and get a response in certain spots. Functionally, until this is repaired, you will be best to control the radio and air conditioner and heat from the steering wheel controls. In addition DO NOT change the front-back (or maybe also the side-side and treble-bass controls) on the sound control sub-menu as I do not believe there exists a manual alternative to this. All the other controls are still functional from the touch screen except that you may not be able to reset one radio station "button". ANY advice welcomed.
My advice? Next time you borrow someones car, don't attach suction cups and a GPS unit to their touch screen. And since this wasn't your vehicle, are you certain this problem didn't exist before you did anything? Oh and be prepared to pony up for repair costs.
I borrowed a riding lawn mower from a neighbor once. The pull cord on the starter broke. I replaced the cord, before I returned the mower to him. He wasn't so kind. I sold him a Mantis tiller on credit. He made payments over a six month period and failed to pay the last $30. That was 15 years, ago. He, evidently, made his own discount and conveniently forgot the last $30. I guess his word and the limits of his honesty is only worth only $3o. He always boast on how good a Christian he is, his four children go to Bob Jones University, and he arrogantly acts like he is the Jones that everyone is trying to keep up with.
If it turns out that there's no way to fix it, now will probably be a good opportunity to purchase an aftermarket unit with GPS, back up cam, and other features. They seem to be going for affordable prices lately. Good luck though.
Unfortunately, its the MFD, not the radio screen. The GenII radios didn't have displays, they used the MFD as their display. So the only way to fix it will be another MFD from the same year (or close to it, I know there were some changes made throughout the generation).
I would call the auto salvage yards, check eBay, for a MFD unit from a same model and year and swap it out. By placing the suction cup on the screen, you destroyed it, SORRY, your bad! This will be the least expensive route unless you can source out the LCD screen, and do a screen swap! I have seen a write up on this, it is possible. Sorry, I can't remember where I saw it, unless it was here on PC... $100 bucks will get you this one... or $295 will get you this one... Last chance...$314.95 Good Luck, hope you are still friends when this is all over!
Thanks. The screen seems to have healed itself to some degree, losing sensitivity to touch but still working.
Thanks for the helpful reply. No chance of losing the friend, thirty years going, ten spent in a below market rental in my home!