Hello folks! My wife just purchased a 2013 last night, and is in a bunch about not having her XM radio like her trade in had. Question I have, is what are my options for this, the dealer said I need a plugin receiver , or something . Seeing we where their for 3 hours with all the forms and paper work because the salesman was 2nd day on the job, we just wanted to get out of there at that point. I figured that guys at this forum would know better anyway. I'd hate to pay six times what it's worth for dealer options if I don't have to also. What would be my best route to have it work with all the factory buttons and stuff. Thanks ahead of time.
Good question, I'm not sure. I thought satellite radio was standard in most cars today? Hopefully, a dealer add on option at a reasonable cost. I love satellite radio. Have it in four cars, work, and my Galaxy Note II.
Congrats on your new Prius! Which Prius package did you purchased? Does it has bluetooth, Auxilliary port, or USB port? There are several ways you can get XM: Having XM app on your smartphone or a portable XM Onyx receiver. Other options are a tad more costly. Hope these help.
Package 2 has the USB and AUX port located inside the compartment between the two front seats. I guess those two I mentioned & El Dobro's suggestion above are your options. Your audio display doesn't look like it has provision for XM controls. You can connect your receiver through either one of the three inputs.
I recommend what I did: Buy the Onyx unit with auto kit and install it yourself. Took me about 1 hour or so in my garage using my credit card. The kit comes with instructions and there are more detailed instructions on the website. First thing you want to do is run your wire. I put the antenna just behind the factory antenna (the long stick) and above the rear window washer thing that squirts fluid. So in between these two on top of the car, not the hatch. Ran the wire under the weather strip (comes off easily and goes on just as easily, but is greasy, so don't touch your interior cloth with your hands like I did!) to the driver side and into the cabin, and tucked the wire along the interior rubber strip above the windows, down the driver side pillar, under the steering wheel, and out into the tray under the bridge. Believe me, its not complex in any way, you don't have to remove the rubber strip, just lift it with a credit card and tuck the wire in. The car kit comes with two ways to mount, a vent clip and sticker mount. I used the sticker mount and put it just above-right of the cup holder. Completely out of the way of shifting and my beverages. The stick is very powerful and it is good in 125 degree heat (which I measured myself a week ago) in Phoenix. The vent clip was what I tried first but it is absolutely terrible. Unstable, moves around a ton, and blocks my cold air from flowing through my beautiful locks. Ok, last part I made up. I was in the same boat as you and your wife, and after research, I've determined that this was the most cost effective way to have satellite radio. I've considered the Toyota kit, but too much money. Save your cash, this will work just fine. I had reservations about it being in the way and all that, but it really isn't in the way. Mount it where I mentioned above and you'll be fine. Hope your search ends well.
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