I was reading the manual and thought I would ask the Scan Gauge users on PC what their Fuel Cut setting is ? The book says 4 above the TPS at closed throttle. My closed throttle TPS is 17. I set the Fuel Cut @ 21 I was just curious what your TPS is and what you've set your Fuel Cut at. Thanks
My guess is to let the SGII know that you are off of the throttle in case the fuel usage does not go all the way to zero.
OK. I am not sure how the SGII calculates miles or mpg. I have asked and they say it is proprietary !
The Fuel Cut setting is only used for the ScanGauge's instantaneous and average MPG readouts, which I don't use. Average MPG is already provided by the Toyota display, where it is a measured value as opposed to the ScanGauge's estimated value. Instantaneous MPG is not a metric that tells you how much energy you're using, as it neglects energy stored in the battery, kinetic energy, and gravitational potential. It doesn't tell you how efficiently you're using the energy you have, either. What might be useful is "grams of fuel burned since last stop light", so you could try different techniques for each segment of your trip. Sadly, there's no such XGauge.
We have the best kind of DFCO: the engine comes to a stop, too. The ScanGauge is a read-only device. It can affect the behavior of the driver, but not of the car. It doesn't give you control over any engine settings.