I'm sure there are those of you out there who have beaten these numbers but this is my best tank ever after owning this car for a year now. I drove probably about as far as I could have. It was on 0 miles to go for about a mile. I charge my car anytime its parked but unfortunately due to the area I'm in, hills everywhere, I cannot make a trip without the engine turning on to at least warm up. Most of my trips would be less than 15 miles round trip but Ithaca is a very hilly area. I really could've gone longer but because of the hills the ICE kicks on and uses up fuel even though I have enough electric to get home. Simply, I no longer had gas for the ICE to warm up with on each trip. Here are my results. 1237.4 miles 146 mpg (was 147 until the ICE activated on my trip home) 0 Miles to go.
I dont remember the last time I filled up. (a plus of owning a PIP) But it had to have been at least a month ago.
Its a completely different story compared to my 04 Tundra I had previously. I was spending $100/week on fuel! I bought an 08 Prius, parked the truck, and still ended up ahead. I even did great when I traded them both in on the PIP. Things have worked out nicely. Although I wish I had a car that could do 20+ miles on all electric and handle the hills of Ithaca. I wish I had a Volt for the range but a PIP for the cargo space.
What's your overall EV ratio? Have the lifetime EV Ratio screenshot? It has kWh and Gallons along with EV/HV miles.
That is truly an amazing tank. I don't think I've gone that far as of yet. I think my max one month was 130 mpg excluding electric usage. I usually fill up within 30 miles of the light flashing ~9 gals to fill the tank. iPad ? HD
i'm a little confused about your hills comment. is your ICE kicking on when going downhill or uphill?
It does both. If I have a near full charge and I'm going downhill it will kick on so the batteries don't over charge. I try to put it in neutral before it turns on though. Going up it turns on almost every time.
Good job, Jimbo! I do too much freeway driving (EV/HV ratio 29/71% most of the time) so my tank usually lasts for 600-700 miles. I did have one tank on which I drove 1025 miles, but that was really unusual.
I just got my best tank since i bought the PiP last august...so after a year this last tank has been best. It lasted me 65 days. I got 1538 miles from this tank. I always reset my EV1 Ratio at each fillup... Also getting 15.5 EV estimated range now in morning after full charge. My lifetime is now 107mpg.
Don't really get this.... Are you starting at the bottom of large hills stopped then must get up to 60 mph in a short amount of time? If not, then your engine doesn't "need" to come on...you are choosing for it to come on.
By neutral trick to you mean putting the car in neutral and going down a hill? Yes I do that, hence the reason I said I put it in neutral. haha In neutral the gas engine wont turn on even if you go above 62 mph.
I assure you I am not choosing to turn the ice on. It just does. Im not sure why it happens but I think it has something to do with the inverter. I could have plenty of ev range left but just as I get to the steepest part the power bar will move quicker to the right even if I am not pressing the accelerator any harder. The car forces itself into hybrid mode. I assume this is because the inverter heats up and cannot deliver enough power to get up the hill so it tries forcing the driver to use the ICE. If I go 45mpg up the hill I can make it but its a highway with a 55mph speed limit. People get PISSED when I go slow up the hill!
Are you in ECO mode? And is there a lane for people to pass you? Just press and hold the trip button while on the ratio screen and it will reset.