I know it is splitting hair here. Which do you prefer for the Prius? I see a few advantages of backing in, 1) my auto headlight do not turn on for 30 seconds in the morning just to turn off again when I back out into the driveway. 2) Good for emergency egress, fire fighters back their trucks into the station garages. 3) possible keeping my battery cooler since my garage faces west. Two old disadvantages are eliminated by this car: 1) More exhaust fumes into the garage, EV mode will take care of that. 2) accidentally back into something, the backup camera will take care of it. Please discuss.
i find it much easier to back out than to back in. you have to guide it in, but it's a straight shot out. much easier.
there is not a car forum that I belong to that this doesn't get asked.....by all means do as you like and who cares?
If you back in and your 12V battery is low, you can access the engine front jump point much easier !?
Both. I tend to face in to my garage at home but back in to my usual parking space at work (also a garage but much less private) . I prefer backing in at work for two reasons: 1) Because in the morning there's hardly anyone there and I have space to maneuver. 2) In the afternoon when I leave there are lots of cars and not everyone at work is responsible driving around in the garage. If I am facing out I have a much better chance of avoiding them. At home, it doesn't much matter but my garage has less space to maneuver to back in so I don't do it as often. I think though, overall, I prefer backing in.
I'd rather back in, but the open space in the garage us between the two cars, so if I'd like to open the driver side door, I need to pull in nose first.
Though my pic shows two vehicles backed in, I usually only back in the vehicle on the left so all driver's side doors can be fully opened between the vehicles. Currently, the S2K is facing out on the left side and the Prius is facing in on the right side. The Ridgeline is stuck in the driveway. This all gets thrown up in the air this fall when I get married and we add my future wife's Malibu in the mix.
Fire engines back in or drive around for no reason than to have a clear view exiting the station, you cannot have a ladder truck backing into trafic with the lights and noise makers going and only blasting into the fire house. I drive in my driveway and turn and round and face outward, I'm on a busy street and can not just back out into traffic.