Stuff I don't like about the Prius

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by catfromtex, Feb 14, 2006.

  1. catfromtex

    catfromtex New Member

    Feb 14, 2006
    I have been seriously wanting a Prius since they first came out. The reasons for me were the gas mileage, and the fact that I thought it was cool technology.

    I even liked the old Prius body style. It felt very comfortable and spacious. However, since the old Prius was reported to be underpowered for acceleration onto the freeway and did not handle particularly well on the curves (please correct me if you feel either of these statements are wrong) I held out for the new models to come out in 2004.

    I FINALLY got to sit in a new style Prius last night (now that I can afford to shop for one). The new Prius's steering wheel feels very oddly placed (too close to the dashboard) and the blind spots in the back seem enormous. It felt like I was driving a toy car or something - very strange.

    Do these items bother anybody else? Does anyone have an opinion on the old style Prius's power and handling (since I might just go back and get one of those used instead). Has anyone here owned an old and new style Prius, and has comparison thoughts on the two? Please share if you do.


  2. finman

    finman Senior Member

    Apr 9, 2004
    Albany, OR
    2014 Nissan LEAF
    I've driven the Classic (2000-2003), but own the Gen 3. I'll say the Gen 3 has ALOT more versatilty, much more 'pickup'/power, and larger interior for legs.

    Everything you've mentioned as far as problems, I sorta had in the beginning (2 years ago). Now the rear 'blind' spots have disappeared, and I'm completely used to the 'strangeness' of the steering wheel.

    In time you adapt to new stuff. All new stuff seems weird for awhile, then you simply get used to it, like, say, the layout for a new remote controlled device, a new computer OS, or a Prius.

    Getting in and riding/driving an old-school non-Prius is a chore to me now! Gas-only is so yesterday's technology, it's weird to experience an idling car when stopped now. Many more features like this show why the Prius has indeed "come before" (latin translation for Prius).
  3. FBear

    FBear Senior Member

    Nov 1, 2004
    Maplewood, NJ
    2015 Prius v wagon
    Those two items do not bother me at all. I've been driving my Prius since Oct. 2004. If you go to the CarTalk website, and search mirror adjustment they have a very good explanation of how to properly adjust your outside rearview mirrors, which eliminate most all of the blindspots in any car. You do have to get use to the view out the rear window but that takes about 10 minutes. The car is wonderfull to drive and it gets great gas mileage and you'll get questioned by allot of people.
  4. Bob Allen

    Bob Allen Captainbaba

    Jan 16, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    2004 Prius
    The Prius is different, for sure. I had similar sensations, but I didn't react negatively to them. The steering wheel not only feels smaller, it is smaller because there are no guages behind it that would be obstructed. Smaller wheel means more leg room for big guys like me. I never liked looking through the steering wheel to see the speedometer and often the upper rim of the wheel would cut through my line of vision.

    I do wish the steering wheel had an "in and out" adjustment to compliment the up and down adjustment. It's ok that it doesn't, but it would be nice.

    The blind spots take some getting used to, but the view out the rear isn't as limited as it appears at first, once you get used to the solid line of the spoiler separating the upper and lower portions of the rear window. You can insert one of those fresnel lenses into the lower part of the rear window which will enhance your vision out the rear. New '06 Prii have rear cameras, but I think they only operate in reverse gear for parking.

    The driver seat could use an up and down adjustment; my thighs get quite sore from the lack of support unless I use a thin cushion to raise my legs. This is where the smaller steering wheel becomes an advantage because a conventional wheel would crease my lap.

    Thing is, you get used to the Prius just as you would driving any other car. Once you know its quirks and idiosyncracies, you'll probably love it. The steering wheel buttons are "braille", i.e., they are textured "in" and "out" so that you can feel the stero volume, temperature, FM/AM/CD mode switch, without having to look down.

    Ergonomically, the car interior is well designed and controls are where you need them to be.

    Perhaps you can rent a Prius for a day. Spending several hours driving a car will give you a much better idea than a drive around the block with a salesman would.
    Good luck; keep us posted.
  5. thejq

    thejq Junior Member

    Dec 1, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    As for the blind spot, I bought two convex blind spot mirrors which I ticked to the side mirrors. They worked great and costed only $4 total.
  6. Springtime

    Springtime Member

    Nov 24, 2005
    Eastern PA
    I just bought a new 2005 in January 06. The two things that took me a while to get used to were:

    1. Not being able to see the hood of the car when sitting in the driver's seat - after a month of driving I am pretty good at estimating the distance when pulling into a parking space - but it did take a while to adjust - my depth perception is not all that great.

    2. The rear split window takes some getting used to also. Does not seem to bother me when I am driving and changing lanes - but, backing out of a parking space can be a challenge. The 05 does not have a backup camera like the 06.

    The more I drive the less these things seem to bother me - it just takes a little time to get used to something new. After 12 yrs I was just used to my little 94 Tercel. I think any car takes some time to get used to when you have been driving another car for many many years.

  7. Rancid13

    Rancid13 Cool Chick with a Black Prius

    Aug 16, 2005
    Los Alamitos, Orange County, CA
    2006 Prius
    Ditto on that. Anything new takes some getting used to. I got my 2006 last Wednesday and reported on here a complaint (if you can even call it that), with regards to visibility out the rear window. It was weird at first, felt like the cars behind me were miles back rather than a few yards back, but I've gotten used to it over the last 6 days to where it seems almost normal to me. Still getting used to the steering wheel. This coming from a short person. Does the steering wheel tilt so it's lower, closer to my lap? Still wading thru the manual so I haven't seen that mentioned yet.
  8. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    I'm looking forward to being bothered by these things... if my car ever comes in! :)

    Seriously, the rear visibility was my big complaint after the drive. The sales guy assured me that I'd get used to it. Of course I'd get used to somebody hitting me in the stomach as well, but that doesn't mean I'm a big fan of it! I'm sure it'll be "fine" but I'd rather it was "good." Still, the benefits fo the car appear to FAR outweight the detractions... though this is still all in my mind as my car is not in my garage!
  9. catfromtex

    catfromtex New Member

    Feb 14, 2006

    The Ventura Toyota dealer (on Johnson Drive in Ventura, CA) where I was last night has a brand new 2006 in - Barcelona Red and loaded (Navagation, Leather, etc). that they were selling for $29K. The person that wanted it changed their mind. I don't know if you'd want to travel to So. Cal to get your car, but they have one in stock so you could be done waiting. (I'm sharing this because I can't afford new anyway - I'm looking at a used one :) )

    I guess I'lll go back and look (and drive) the used one again. To be honest, another big part of my waffling is that 1) they don't have the color I want used (just new - rats. Hope someone enjoys it) and 2) I haven't had a car payment in 15 years, and am facing (if I buy) having a payment for the next five years.
  10. V8Cobrakid

    V8Cobrakid Green Handyman

    Jun 6, 2004
    Park View, Los Angeles, CA. U.S.A
    2004 Prius
    I've learned that since the car is short.. and you have a huge hatchback window.. the center rearview mirror covers a lot more than you're used to.. so i adjust the side mirrow out to cover the blindspots.. i can now see cars around me at all time.. no blindspots.. sure.. its not the standard " i can see the side of my car" which is lame.. because it's a repeat of the center mirror.

    This is how i adjust it... when i car passes.. er.. starts to pass out of my center mirror.. they start to pass into my side mirror.. when they start to leave the side mirrors, they are in my side vision already :) works like a charm.

    Steering .. pump up your tires.. the car does understear.. you get used to it.. act as if you're leaning into the corner.. just.. dont' lean.. that looks stupid.
  11. aaf709

    aaf709 Ravenpaw of ThunderClan

    Apr 23, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2022 Prius Prime
    One owner has gone to an auto store (like Pep Boys or Auto Zone) and got a cheap cell phone antenna for about $12. Then they attached it to the front license plate bracket. You can just see the tip, especially if you stick an antenna ball on it. If anyone asks what that's for just tell them it pulls electricity out of the air. :)

    Sigma Auto has antenna that are designed for this, but this is the cheap approach.
  12. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    I hate the HUGE A pillars if they were any larger you could hide a Hummer behind them. As they are now a Chevy Impala is safe from view. My only real complaint with the G3 Classic is a lot better in this regard. Oh ya and that damn overly agressive TRAC. But like most said you get used to most of it over time.
  13. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    No worries about mirror adjustment. I adjust mine properly as well. My complaint is that looking directly out the back, with the center mirror, sucks! I can adjust the side mirrors for optimum coverage, but that doesn't help the veiw out the rear window(s)!
  14. subarutoo

    subarutoo New Member

    Jan 18, 2006
    Chatsworth, CA
    2006 Prius
    After only 2 weeks, my Prius had minor ($1800) freeway debris damage. I got back into my trusty 80,000 Subaru Impreza, and the wheel in the Impreza felt wierd. I've had the Sube over 6 years, and thought I liked the driving position, I like the Prius better. I am 6 ft, over 200 lbs. My only complaint driving, is that the lower leat cushions are too short (compared to my Sube's sport seats) and there is no side bolster support when cornering. Most of my commute is straightline freeway, not a big problem. As for blind spots, no problem with each side (use the mirrors and quick look over the shoulder). The rear blind spot I'm used to because of my Sube's rear wing, which bisects the rear view. Both designs, neatly block out most following headlights, except Monster truck/SUVs. As for mileage: Subaru 25-28, Prius 45-50. Who's complaining?
  15. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    I bought the rectangular ones... about 1 X 2 inches.
    I put them on the inside lower corner and then swing the mirrors out to where I can't see the sides of the car with the main mirrors, but I can still see the side of the car with the little rectangular mirrors "to keep my orientation". This is an excellent way to remove the blind spots. However any wise driver still looks when when changes lanes.
  16. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    I find myself leaning to the *right* when turning *left*, just to
    see around the left A-pillar. It's become reflex by now. I'm
    just hoping I don't get into a situation where I start inching
    forward just when a pedestrian has conveniently hidden itself
    behind the dern thing... it's almost happened a couple of times,
    and now I think I'm sufficiently paranoid about it.
  17. Panther87

    Panther87 Junior Member

    May 14, 2005
    S.E. South Dakota
    I have had the prius for about 5 weeks, the only thing that I don't like is how much the wind impacts the car.
  18. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Reach underneath the steering wheel and you will feel a hole in the column that has a handle about 2 inches X three inches...., you can pull the lever forward towards you.... adjust the wheel where you like it and put the lever back to its keeping place.
  19. sunnysandiegan

    sunnysandiegan New Member

    Dec 4, 2005
    I laughed out loud when I read your electricity comment! ROFLOL!!!

    I have owned my Prius for less than a week and I have already been asked if I need to plug it in. I can just imagine the questions/comments if I attached an antenna ball and cell phone antenna to the front license plate bracket!!! TEE HEEEEEE!!!!

    To the OP, I went from a '95 Corolla to the '06 Prius last week. I had been driving my Corolla almost exclusively since August 1997. When we test drove the Prius several times, I was VERY concerned about the rear view. The night we got the Prius, I had to drive it home after dark by myself and was a tad nervous because it was still the tail end of rush hour traffic on roads I don't drive very often. I did fine, but it was awkward. Today, I drove in a LOT of traffic on unfamiliar roads with construction. I am already used to the Prius and am quite thankful for that bar across the hatch because it conveniently blocks most headlights, which irritate my eyes when I wear my contacts.

    I never noticed the steering wheel being uncomfortable or awkward and have not moved it at all.

    I am actually loving the car's driver seat! After reading all the complaints here, I was a bit concerned about my initial discomfort with the seats (on test drives) lasting a long time (longer than the average 'getting used to' phase). I am thrilled that I have experienced only support and comfort while driving thus far. I am of average height/weight for a female with a medium build. I have been taking Pilates and yoga since early Fall last year and I have found the Prius seat to promote the good posture I have been learning. I am sitting more "correctly" in the Prius than I ever did in my Corolla.

    Funny story about the traffic situation today. Due to the unexpected stop & go traffic, I was late meeting my husband. I was telling him about the traffic and how cool it was that I was driving almost the entire time with just the electric motor and that I increased my MPG a notch. He laughed and replied that I am probably the only person in the world who would say I was happy I was driving in stop & go traffic. LOL I grinned! :D (I hate traffic and typically don't even like DRIVING all that much, so this is quite a change...)

    Anyway, like most have said, I have gotten used to the "quirks" of the car in a rather short period of time (less than a week). You may also acquire the "taste" for a Prius and overcome the "quirks" quickly. There sure are a lot of reasons to LOVE this car!!! :D

    If you feel the quirks outweigh the perks, be sure to test-drive the Honda Civic Hybrid and the Highlander Hybrid and any other hybrids out there for comparison. I *thought* I wanted the 06 HCH and even enjoyed my first test-drive much more than my first Prius ('05 model) test-drive a month or so prior. However, we got lucky one Saturday and got to test-drive the 06 HCH in the morning and the 06 Prius in the afternoon of the same day. It was the second test-drive of both cars for me and there was no comparison! I LOVED THE PRIUS!!! The HCH was just for a "new" car test-drive and quite practical for a commuting car. The Prius, though, won me over instantly! :)

    Best wishes in your search!
  20. EricGo

    EricGo New Member

    Apr 30, 2005
    Albuquerque, NM (SouthWest US)
    OT ..

    A friend of mine was playing a flight simulator game on my computer years ago, and then half stood up and edged closer to the monitor to try and peer over the airplanes nose. I still smile when I think of it.

    When I first started to drive our Prius, I had to remind myself that the steep sloping windshield prevented such antics, and I just learned to deal with not seeing the front of the car. My wife still grips her seat almost daily because she thinks I am going to hit the car stopped in front of us.