I have noticed that when using the "END TIMER" my full charge range seems to be slightly shorter than if i just plug it in and let go til its done on its own. Upto .8 miles difference.. which I know isn't huge by any means but it can make a difference.. Also.. Seems my first few charges were consistantly giving me in the 13.x's mile range and now I am only in the 12.x's.. (1 month in) Just curious if anyone else has noticed this too..
It appears that the system is inaccurately estimating the SOC of the battery when it begins the charging process. BTW, is there a reason why you would want to use the END Timer during warm weather? I thought this feature is mainly used during cold weather.
was experimenting with different settings I set it to be done like 10 minutes before I plan to leave in the AM so I " wouldn't lose any charge overnight" gonna try setting it to start like 3.5 hours before I leave and see what it does.
With Lithium battery, your lost in charge is very little overnight. During winter months, you do want to use END timer so that your battery is warm when you leave in the morning.
You can't go by the estimated EV range. It is based on how you drove prior to charging. A better way is to look at the battery state of charge. Full is usually 85.1%. You need an OBDII reader with CAN support to see SOC.
OH I know that the ev range is just something to show me cause I almost always go more than it shows of if i am aggressive with the pedal its less. So I know that's not a guaranteed #
Even though it only sits at 80%, it's still not as good on the battery to let it sit there "full" when it doesn't need to.
Interesting. I thought lithium batteries were designed to be always full or near full. All of our electronics devices such as smart phones and iPods use lithium and I bet most people keep their batteries charged everyday especially the smart phones.
And besides, you are supposed to replace your smartphone every year or so, so why even bother with a replaceable battery (q.v. iPhone)?
That's actually one of many reasons I prefer Android over iPhone...because you can remove and exchange batteries.