hey guys and gals. I've linked a sound file of the clicking sound. it is pretty loud and happens when I accelerate. Sometimes when I stop and turn off my car. on the file the click comes at 2 seconds and 21 seconds. Both were times i was accelerating. I think it is the electric engine, it comes from the front left side of my car when i hear the sound. thanks for any help/suggestions you have! will be getting it checked out during my 10k service either way. just want to know if i need to bring it in NOW.
There is a sound file now. I do not get that noise in my car. Take it to the dealer. Hopefully it is a minor thing.
took it to the dealer and they said it was the sound the break tension thing (not the technical term they told me) makes. my dealer I go to is 30 miles away and i take the freeway there. when i got up to the dealership it didn't make the noise. I feel like maybe its because I drive less than 10 miles to work 5 days a week and pressure builds up?
Nope! You need to isolate the noise (the area it's coming from) and see if it's a control relay or control module. I'll bet you a doughnut, it's normal
They told you it was the tension breaking something? Or the brake tension releasing? If the first, you should never have left. If the latter, it may be normal. The brake pedals make a clunk when releasing hard.