2006, silver, #6, 01/18/06, Davis, CA

Discussion in 'Order Tracking' started by darelldd, Jan 22, 2006.

  1. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    Date Ordered: Jan 18, 2006
    Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Hanlees, Davis, CA
    Timeframe given for delivery: 3-8 weeks
    Color: silver
    Option Package: 6
    Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: Not relevant. There are 31 people on the list, but I'm the only one that wants this particular package.
  2. janrn

    janrn New Member

    Jan 14, 2006
    Sacramento, CA
    2010 Prius
    Hi darelldd,

    Just FYI, we got our 2006 Prius off the lot on 12/26/05 at Elk Grove Toyota. I don't know if they still have a supply on the lot or not. We went there "just looking", and came home with a Prius :) . They had maybe 8 or so at that time...
  3. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    OK.. so the plot thickens. I was just called by Roseville toyota, and they have a silver #6 coming into Benicia on Feb 11. Expected on the lot by Feb 20. All good news, right? Just 30 minutes away. BUT...

    The car will cost me $1000 more that my local dealer (Hanlees) because I won't get the Costco discount, and I will have to buy the floor mats at full retail (about $200).

    I have NO idea when Hanlees (much smaller dealer) will get one in for me, so I guess I'd better take the Roseville one if I've heard nothing from my local dealer by then. Grrr.

    In other news, Hanlees is expected to hear about their allocation on the 7th. So I guess that'll tell me everything I need to know.
  4. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    At the risk of talking to myself (thanks for the Elk Grove tip, Janern - no love from them this time) I'll update the situation.

    1. I apparently still have the silver (first choice) #6 coming into Roseville Toyota on about the 20th of Feb.
    2. I was just called regarding a white (second choice) #6 coming into Hanlees (my local dealer) on about the 23rd of Feb. This car would cost me $1000 less than the other one.

    I think I'm OK with the white... but I forgot to ask about the interior (was easy with silver since there was no choice). I really don't want the lighter bisque, so that may be a deal breaker for the "cheap" car.

    But either way, it would appear that I have *some* car at *some* price coming my way in just about two more weeks. Save an HOV sticker for me!
  5. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    Yay! First choice color is in at the cheap dealer! Screwed up order (sales guy wrote "silver pine" instead of Pine Mica, or whatever it is. A silver came in and was being sold to the nice lady... until she realized it was SILVER and not PINE. I just happened to be on the phone with the guy when all this was happening, and he said the silver is mine.


    Stand by for me being even MORE obnoxious.
  6. jpeachman

    jpeachman Junior Member

    Nov 5, 2005
    Pittsburg, CA
    Hey, that's great! So, does "in" mean they actually have it for you to pick up, or does it mean they'll have it in some ill-defined but hopefully short time frame? I'm in the latter situation myself (at least I hope so!). I've been told my car is coming, but they don't have a VIN or an exact date yet. Maybe I'll run into you at Hanlees (well, not literally, I hope :lol: ).

  7. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    Hey Joe -

    In means IN. Been sitting on the lot for four days, apparently. Confusion on the color for the previous buyer. Buyer wanted "Pine Mica" and sales guy (Phil) wrote down Silver Pine. A Silver one came in, and Phil thought they would go for either Silver or Pine when he looked at his notes again. Buyers came to pay, and found it wasn't the color they wanted. Since I was on the phone bitching when this all happened, I was offered the car. :)

    What combo are you looking for, and what are they telling you? Phil is no longer handling the Prius orders now. John Thompson is the guy now. All kinds of cloak-and-dagger as to why that's happening. As far as I'm concerned, sales guys are sales guys. I haven't been shown differently yet.

    Each time I go to buy a new car, I spend an hour with Google, and know WAY more about the vehicle than any of the sales people. They don't even know the color combinations. Yesterday I was asked if I wanted tan, oak, sand, beige. And what they all meant was "bisque." Since the whole confusion on what is now my car was regarding color nomenclature, you'd think they could maybe use the official Toyota terms???

    I'm getting a good deal, which is the ONLY reason I'm buying here. This will be over $70k that I've spent at this dealer now, and they treat me like any other bum off the street. I can go to any out-of-state dealer to save 50% on any accessories. You'd think they didn't really want my business. I'm offered the same "full MSRP" as anybody who is NOT a customer. Way to keep me loyal! Not.

    Oops. Sorry about the rant. :)
  8. espoafd

    espoafd New Member

    Dec 31, 2005
    Albuquerque, NM

    I am happy for you, though jealous as I am still waiting for my car. I have started inquiring around the SW and hopefully will have my car soon.

    I also wanted to thank you for your posts on EV's. I knew nothing about them and because of your posts and website I have become very excited about them. I have gotten excited about them and tell other people about them. Hopefully we can convince other people and the auto companies to start producing them.

    If you are ever around Albuquerque please look me up. I would love to talk about EV's with you.

  9. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    Awesome, Scott. Makes my day when I hear somebody say that they've learned something from my site. I know all too well what info the public is spoon-fed from the car makers and the media. The public is told that there was no "market" for EVs. Well surprise! They were never marketed, now where they?

    EVs are obviously not the perfect choice for every driver. But then neither are sports cars, pickups, motorcycles, etc. And yet we still keep selling those vehicles, don't we? For a commute car, there is simply nothing better than an EV. And commute miles comprise MOST of the miles driven in the US.

    Ah... but I'll try not to get on that rant here. Enough info on my site. :)

    Good luck with your search. After almost a month of being "on the list" I just sort of fell into this car today. Still haven't seen it though! No idea how many miles are on it, or what shape it is in. Supposed to be "new." But then they let me drive somebody else's "new" car for my test drive.
  10. jpeachman

    jpeachman Junior Member

    Nov 5, 2005
    Pittsburg, CA
    Well, I trust you're picking it up ASAP--especially if there's cloak-and-dagger mystery going on! I spoke with Phil as recently as Saturday, when he told me he should have a VIN on a Barcelona Red #3 for me around the 16th, and the car probably sometime next week. I know John worked with Phil, and covered on Phil's days off, but you're sure Phil is now out of the picture? Wow! In fact, double-wow--a woman from Hanlees called me today to verify my info in their computer, and when I mentioned about expecting to hear from Phil in a couple of days, she said I would still be hearing from him (and mentioned him by name). I have to say, there's little about this situation to inspire much confidence! Get yours while you can!!

  11. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    Yikes. That would be Sarah who called. I guess she called everybody on the list. I spoke with her Monday evening regarding my color choices (again!) and then Tuesday morning she called to verify the colors she had (wrong again!). I asked if she remembered our conversation from the previous evening. ???

    Well, maybe you still get Phil. John insists that he's my new guy now. Maybe he just gets the disgruntled customers. He called himself Phil's boss the last time I talked to him. Then when I next spoke to Phil, he said John isn't my boss, the sales manager is the only guy over me.

    Oh, the drama. Yes, I would have picked it up ASAP yesterday, but I put it off until this morning to make sure I had my finances in order. I head up there in about an hour. Wish me luck!
  12. SomervillePrius

    SomervillePrius New Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    Somerville, MA
    2006 Prius

    Good for you Darell... Remember though that this is your polluting car... much more so then you SUV so DON'T drive it to much (it's a blast to drive!)

  13. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    Robert -

    Great timing. My custom-etched license plate frames just arrived yesterday as well. I'll take a picture on the new car... as soon as I pick it up.


    This is our...
  14. jef

    jef New Member

    Jan 30, 2006
    Inglewood (Los Angeles county), California
    Nice frame.

    My Prius will be my gas guzzler too. My other vehicle is a 250 cc Motorcycle that gets 70-75 mpg.
  15. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    Ah! But my Prius is also my most polluting vehicle as well.

    Anyway... the car is real, it is mine, and it is parked in the driveway. Everything is as it should be. Got my price, my package and my color. Now I'm busy putting my new frame on, my new leather steering wheel cover, disabling all the beepers, putting the racks on, the mud flaps, ordering the floor mats, submitting the HOV sticker form.... need I go on?

    I'm a bit busy here! Be back with pictures eventually. Except for the gas engine running, this is a really cool car! :)
  16. SomervillePrius

    SomervillePrius New Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    Somerville, MA
    2006 Prius
    It's great to see that the arrival of the Prius reduced your posting for awhile... It's a great car with a lot of gadgets. Did you get the JBL package? If so I really recomend trying out ripping CDs into WMA format. I ripped them at the highest setting the Prius can handle and it sounds great. I tried the same format at my expensive set-up at home and it's aonly a tiny difference from CD. So good in fact that I'm about to RIP my whole collection to WMA and never use a CD again (yay a reason to buy a xbox 360)!

    I hope you enjoy the ride. Go for a long ride this weekend!

  17. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    Robert -

    Yeah, I was gone for like six hours there. Nobody sent a search party... :angry:

    I've disabled all the beeps, I laced on the leather steering wheel cover, set up the Home link... tonight I read the manual to find out just how wrong the sales guy was about all the gadgets. With my limited non-owner knowledge, I could only pick out about half the things that were incorrect. :)

    Yes, #6 has the upgraded stereo. Everything but GPS and leather actually. Man, the Street Pilot fits up on the dash just perfectly. I'm glad I saved the $2k there. For the next three days, I have FOUR cars here! Eeek.
  18. SomervillePrius

    SomervillePrius New Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    Somerville, MA
    2006 Prius
    Cool... You have nice options in your car. I paid a lot extra for that nav system and leather seats.... Which is what I wanted but man are that nav expensive!

    I found it intereseting that you (as you said) didn't post for 6 hours.

    I hope you sign up at greenhybrid.com and log your mileage there (it would be cool to do that for your EV as well :-D. What's your milage at the moment?

    The car runs better after 500 miles (that is what I have)... So your mileage will go up both as you learn the car and as you car simply runs better...

    Don't forget to bump that tire pressure!

    I hope to join you as an EV owner within the next 5 years, try to not make too much fun of me until then (at least I'm supporting the move towards true FE cars!).

    Come on! Gor for a ride... I know you want to...

    and if you haven't.... set-up the blue tooth... it's one of the best features of the car!
  19. jpeachman

    jpeachman Junior Member

    Nov 5, 2005
    Pittsburg, CA
    Excellent! I'm glad it all came through for you.

    I will say your great deal (MSRP - $750) actually further shakes my confidence in Hanlees. Awhile back, I was offered a package #6 instead of the #3 I've requested. I said I'd need something more than the $500 off MSRP (Costco discount) I was already getting the #3 for, and was told that was really the lowest they could go. I said, no thanks, I'd wait for the #3. If they'd offered me the #6 at $750 off, I might have bought it weeks ago. I wouldn't exactly say I don't like games, but the whole dealer-price-game-thing is not my cup of tea....

    Anyway, congrats on your gas guzzler! :p

  20. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    I've already registered. But I picked the car up with 2 miles, and have only added six more. My mileage sucks so far!  :)

    I don't LIKE to burn gasoline, so joy-rides are out unless they're by EV or bicycle. We'll drive it 300 miles this weekend for the maiden voyage.

    Ha. You're talking to an EV guy here! I run 50 PSI in my other cars. This one I'm going 40 in the front. I may go higher, the ride is still too soft. :)

    Awesome. In five years, I hope to trade in this new Prius for either a PHEV or a long-range EV myself. I have very little need for liquid fuels. If I had a 200-mile EV with non-proprietary charing, I'd need to borrow an ICE maybe once per year, and the rest I could handle cleanly.

    I do, yes. But I'm taking comfort inspending my quality time in the driveway with the car, getting all the new goodies changed around and bolted on. I'm going to do the Fog light-only mod and the EV mod today

    This is a fine car! I am pleasantly surprised at how much power it has. No neck-snapper, but it sure has more power than anybody would "need."