Seeing how the "How to Destroy America" topic turned into a snakepit of spitting cobras on all sides of the argument, maybe we need a forum to handle this. A Flaming House Of Pancakes! No ground rules in the Flaming House...spew away with all the venomous remarks you like. Everything and everyone is fair game and nothing has to make sense or have any supporting evidence. This way, at least everyone understands the "no rules" rule going in. Vent all you like and build up a thick skin in the process. :lol: And this way, the original FHOP can require more civility among posters, people can say, "This is my opinion on this..." or "I disagree with you there because of this..." without anyone shouting out "I know what kind of person you are, you're this, or you're that, you racist, you cretin, you freak, etc, etc." Any direction of comments in this manner then Danny can kick the poster. Might be too much work to handle though seeing how so many topics turn kind of nasty. Oh well, just a suggestion. Tell me you don't love this idea, Squid.
Oh hell yeah I love the idea! If it doesn't fly... Sort of why I created my own forum: Absolutely no holds barred, porn, insults, ANYTHING. The last bastion of truly free speech. So far, it's between me and a few friends, and I haven't really "marketed" it... All are welcome to flame within! B)
In that case, if this starts going over the top and I'm subjected to porn on priuschat, I'm moving to a different forum. Honestly, I've been looking for a way to screen out some of the noise coming from FHOP, maybe that is my ultimate solution.
I'm with bigdaddy. I like it best when we are helping/supporting each other with our Prius cars. When it comes to insulting each other with politics and stuff unrelated to our cars it doesn't feel comfortable at all. Whether we take part or not, this is a community for us all and we all identify with it.
First Mystery Squid, I reported your post on Virginity restoration. It's offensive and not the forum to post. Freedom of Speech has boundaries. Secondly, I am total agreement with this post--things got way out of hand. I have generally enjoyed the tone--with the obvious exceptions, of this chatroom. I'd rather just cartalk if there aren't boundaries around discussion. I deal with people's hostility all day and certaintly aren't going to invite through choice.
Do you guys hear yourselves? Let's have more INTELLIGENT discourse by allowing even more insults, flaming, and asinine stupidity! Do you think you can change minds and influence people simply by YELLING LOUDER! I was going to post a topic asking if people are noticing a dip or drop in civility but I came upon this one instead. So now the answer would be a resounding DUH!!!!! Not many months ago I saw that I was starting to fall into the abyss of incivility. Compared to some of you, I was a babe in the woods. Go ahead, flame away. I'll wait until the collective mindset matures a bit before I join back in.
:lol: Hey, it was only an article, I didn't make it up! That's offensive, yet full later term abortion isn't 'eh b-jay? :lol: Or are you in league with jack-0-latern in an attempt to get me banned? if so, GOOD, I spend way too much time on here anyway! :lol:
Freedom of speech protects the citizens of the United States from governmental prosecution. The government does not run this forum. I will not tolerate rude behavior in my professional environment. I will not tolerate rude behavior in my home. I do not tolerate rude behavior in my church. I will not tolerate rude behavior on this board. MANY OF US HAVE WORKED MUCH TOO HARD MAINTAINING A CIVIL ENVIRONMENT TO HAVE IT ERODE AT THE HANDS OF A FEW. With 12,000 members, I will happily ban, let's say, three people (0.025%) to maintain the sanity and civility of this board. It's just that simple. I am serious and I am diligent. If I ban a member name, you had better hope that you can re-register under a new IP and the second I see an IP duplication of a banned name, you're toast. You think I'm kidding; I know I have the time to make it so. (and I'm the nice one.)
Thank you Tony. I used to enjoy certain people here, I am beginning to have 2nd thoughts. Let us police we don't need someone to do it for us. How about a little RESPECT!
Cooking, like conversation, is an art. Both are at their best with fresh ingredients, a skilled chef, and an appreciative audience. If all we're going to do is throw some leftovers on a plate and flambe them, I've lost my appetite.
Allow me to state to all that I have done nothing to get Mr. E. Squid "banned". I don't need to. The guy has hung himself. "jack-o-lantern"? uh, mystery meat(head) I'm with bigdaddy, Allannde, bluejay and Schmika. This has been a disgraceful display, and I apologize for my feeling I've had to do what I've done.
I actually had the same idea, but I was going to call it Fred's House of Invective. But I actually don't see why PriusChat needs to provide a home for that kind of thing at all.
Obviously, "How To Destroy America" started out as and was always intended to be a "snakepit of spitting cobras." I mean, if I put togther a post entitled "Christianity is based upon repressed homosexual feelings toward Jesus," I wouldn't then expect everyone who replies to be cordial and polite. "How To Destroy America" was an intentional, no-holds-barred attack upon everyone to the left of Ann Coulter. If the thread got nasty afterwards, well, there is no way it could not have done so. (By the way, no I don't think that Christianity is based upon repressed homosexual feelings toward Jesus.) FlameHOP...not a good idea. It's bad enough that a certain couple of posters only post stuff to fan the flames of ill-will or incite a forum riot...then just sit back and have a laugh when people are at war. Sometimes, its nice to join in on a topic that has some morality issues - it reveals the demographics of Prius owners. But flaming and vulgar display only brings out the immaturity in all of us. I think we are better than that. Let's keep it civil with topics / conversations posted that we would let our family read. After all, I frequently show certain threads to friends and family. Like Schmika, I too found my self falling into that abyss.....but have done a little self-assessment and have returned. Bluejay - I'm sorry. Tony - You Rock!