Scary, isn't it? My husband was a lifetime member of the Repblican party. He voted for Bush in 2000, convinced that the "liberal White House" and Capital Hill were riddled with corruption. Bush ran as a moderate, promised to clean up the rat's nest in Washington, and support America's free enterprise sturcture. In 2004 Dan, an engineer and middle manager in a large mainstream American corporation, joined the Democratic Party. He felt so strongly that Bush needed to be ousted that he held his nose and made donations to the National Committee. Dan's been betrayed. Bush revealed himself to be anything but a classic, fiscally responsible Republican. Dan was appalled by the Plame fiasco, the Administration's ties to Enron, Halliburton and Abramoff, the repeated guttings of the Clean Air Act, Abu Gharib, and Bush's latest budget and energy plan*. Dan worries about finding ways to protect our retirement investments and his pension and health plans. He figures, in 10-15 years, all our savings could be swallowed up by state and federal projects, used to feed our co-workers who were too foolish to save and invest for their own futures. It'll be the ants vs. the grasshoppers. * Still unfunded by Congress
Instead of finding fault with co-workers both of you should be GRATEFUL that you have savings, investments, and a pension to look forward to. Many of us don't have those things through no fault of our own.
Crap, I didn't notice until just now that you had infected this thread, too. You're full of s*** to your eyeballs. Your kind gives all 32-year-old men a bad name. "horton" seemed to be quoting from what he characterized as the English translation of Mein Kampf. He's (horton) a bit semi-literate, as his next sentence was garbled. But he said that the FACT that the Jews "sucked all the money out of Germany" pissed Hitler off, and that that---plus "marxism", says horton---pushed Hitler into WW II. Ergo, the Jews CAUSED WW II. Horton probably is not man enough to come back to PC and account for himself. But, if you're defending him by saying Hitler and Mein Kampf were not anti-Semitic, that his remark was a reasonable observation on the Jews, I'll call YOU to account. Every damn time.
Anti-semitism does seem to be something of a fashion statement for the dumb white american male. I'm afraid I just yawn and read something else, but kudos to you Jack for speaking up. Anybody remember the kid who delivers mail in "Sound of Music" ? Reminded of someone around here ?
jack-o I realized something today... That I really don't feel good about seriously conflicting with you (even though you are pro-active in starting a lot of conflicts and name calling), given your age, the anti-depressants thing, plus the fact that you'll simply go crying, whining, and stomping your feet to the moderators anytime someone ticks you off. I sort of feel like I'm picking on an old lady. You're just like the kid in the school yard who goes running to the teacher instead of taking his licks in the playground. However, should someone of greater caliber step up to the plate on your behalf, by all means... ...let's rock! This will be my last "kick" post to you. One last bit of advice though: Don't use your full name (if that is in fact what it is) for an e-mail address. Thankfully, for your sake, I'm not a malicious person in this respect, but someone can get A LOT of info. on you that way.
you can't rock as your irrational conduct is a proof of being a victim of dentata, your sang-froid is driven by your brain trying to compansate for a lack of ... apparently, your penile prosthesis is not fully redeeming the functionality of your brain I pity you and have no inclination to any further rebutals, unless the donor comes around unexpectedly and the transplant is succesful, we will carry on then...
An old lady? . :lol: :lol: :lol: Why not take your act back to "Dallas" and flagellate the senior citizens over there some more? I need no moderators to bail me out, but I do think they should see your slime when it's fresh on the wall. You want more challenge? Age, anti-depressants and all, I'm ready for all you can dish out. Why not respond to what I said about your anti-Semitic remark(s) for starters? You've refused to respond. Why? Because IsrAmeriPrius is now here? I will not back down to you one inch, here before any PriusChat member. I'm calling you out on your endorsement and extension of "horton the elder"'s post. C'mon, stupid, let's do it.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't think there is Mystery Squid any more, the mystery has been revealed, Squid happened to be a DENTATA :lol: :lol: :lol:
Make my day, big guy. But report the whole thread. When you gonna come clean with us about your WW II/Hitler thoughts? :huh: B)
Sorry, Walker. I guess I hit a nerve. My husband and I worked at developing "ant" habits all our lives. We get upset by co-workers' financial behavior and reports of fellow US citizens who are spending their ways into the poor house. We both come from "disadvantaged" backgrounds but learned to manage our careers and finances dispite that. Dan has a learning disability but trained himself to deal with it. He worked his way through college and became an engineer. The six kids in my family were raised in a three bedroom shack on a sugar plantation. Dad held a part time job in addition to full time work as a mechanic. Mom left the house before sunrise each morning to stoke up the ovens at her job as a baker. They managed to send the six of us money while we were in college. Dan and I searched, trained and relocated, for jobs that included health benes and pension plans or 401ks. I made over my skill set and changed careers, twice. Took pay cuts and re-started with bottom of the totem-pole positions both times. Right out of college, we lived below our means, budgeted and planned, saved and invested whatever we could. Now we're starting to see the benefits of our life-long efforts. We carry no debt. The condo is paid for. Credit card bills are paid off every month. The Prius was paid for in cash, as was the boat and our wedding. We should, barring natural or Washington-made catastrophe, be able to retire in 5-10 years with enough to support Dan's parents (mine are dead and we have no children) if they need it. But we'll always work. Engineering and health care and scientific skills will always be needed by society. Dan will make a valuable consultant, I'll continue writing and see if I have any talent at teaching.
Social Security could disappear tomorrow, far as our plans are concerned. Hmm. In fact, if SS went away, our current taxes would decrease. Our life-budget - Dan's spread sheet is impressive, we should sell copies of the dang thing - doesn't include SS income. SS was reported to be in trouble back in the 80's, and we both wrote it off. After we retire maybe we won't collect our SS benefits from Uncle Sam. That's if we feel like giving the crochity old, no fore-sight bastard, a break.
Wishful thinking, I'm afraid. The way these things usually go, you continue to pay, but the return evaporates Not counting on SS in retirement planning is very prudent, unfortunately.
According to his spread sheet Dan could have retired in two years, at age 50, if he hadn't gotten married. The thought tickles; he married me despite realizing he'd have to work an additional 7-9 years. All because my retirement plans had me working to age 62. Guess he must really love me. :wub:
You have lumped so many things into "Conservative." I must be both Liberal & Conservative because I see each issue seperately. I will tell you I vote the candidate, not the party. Of course, neither party is looking out for the middle class worker.
Walker1, now go back and read imntacrook's reply to the original topic and tell me that he didn't lump and put so many unrelated points (actually he copied those from another site) Jack 06 replied to his post
I fully agree with you regarding our debt being run up recklessly. However, this President did 2 things for my wife & I no other president did before. He got rid of the marriage penalty, and we got a check for $600 in his 1st term. I cannot remember a Demo. ever lowering taxes or giving money to the hard working middle class. Usually we get to pay for the poor and get nothing back for our hard earned $$$. I am totally against the war(s). I know too many Vietnam vets who are dead, crippled, or mentally ill from that time period. I was 18 in 1968. I believe this country has been meddling in other country's affairs for far too long. It's not our place to tell others how to run their country. Most nations hate us for it. The only exceptions I make are if it directly impacts our economy, oil supplies, or national security. When I think of all the $$ that would have been avaiable for issues like national health, social security, etc. it makes me sick that all that money is thrown away on places like Iraq, etc. It also makes me sick that young people are dying daily over there for no good reason. We need a serious change-fast.
Spunky, Thank you for clearing things up. After reading your answer it's obvious both of us come from the same type of background. I had neither parent. My grandmother raised me. I graduated from college with my Bachelor's degree in 1998. I got my AS degree in 1979 and was self employed in CT until 1990. My wife & I manage pretty much like you. This is where things differ. I moved to FL in 1990. We had a paid for house, cars, and no debt at that time. Unfortunately, FL turned out to be a financial nightmare for me. I went back to college to get my BS degree, but as of this post have not obtained and kept gainful employment. I worked in the Driver's lis. bureau in an entry level position. I got laid off 3 days short of my 1 year probation. Cutbacks. I worked for Adelphia cable as a CSSR, another entry level position. They were not into promoting from within so 3 years ago I left to hopefully become a teacher in the FL public school system. I am still a substitute teacher trying to get FT. I have no benefits, no unemployment, or future as a sub. I have gotten 3 certifications, but am having a very hard time getting hired. Luckily, my wife has a decent FT job by FL standards with health ins., etc. So, you can see why I'm touchy in some areas. I will keep trying to get FT employment. At age 55 it's all but impossible to get gainful employment here in FL. I'm glad you & your husband have been able to do so well. We also have no children. We owe about $115K on our house including the Prius $$. Our credit cards are paid in full. Our house is worth an easy $450K, so we're real estate rich. The only thing holding us back is my meager earning power. Sub teachers only make $77/day when there is school. The last 2 summers were hell $$ wise. FL bars all sub teachers from collecting unemployment during the summertime. It's ironic, I wanted to help our youth by becoming a teacher, but am a financial victim making about minimum wage yearly. I also have a couple of physical disabilities that greatly limit the jobs I can do. Mind you, I'm not complaining. I just keep hoping something will come through FT. I will give teaching a little longer before I must find something outside to work at. I could use some good luck. Life can be very hard as you know.
This is not a dig on you. You're right. No problem. You do see where I'm coming from, don't you? Both parties are corrupt and dishonorable. I am "old school." I believe in honor, integrity, keeping my word, and honesty. I currently work in teaching in a high school. I try very hard to instill positive values in our youth. They will be our future good or bad. I want them all to succeed. We need good people to run things when we are old and grey. The 2 reigning parties are anything but.