Hello! I was wanting to get a certified used 2010 package 3 Prius with Nav, but recently came upon a few 2012 package 3's with nag with similar prices... only the 2010's have about 40,000 miles and the 2012 ( at a great price) have over 60,000 miles... Any advice on a 2012 with 63,000 miles for under $20,000 out the door? Is is really bad to get a 1 year old car with THAT MANY miles on it?
It really depends on a few variables. With 60k on a '12, it's fairly certain most miles were attributable to highway miles. I have a 2004 with 209,000 miles on it and its still going strong. Ironically the 04 I have is fully loaded, so it did have NAV. My new one doesn't because so much has happened in the last ten years (cant believe my car will be 10 this Oct!!!!!!). I do NOT miss having the built in NAV. It's too restricted, traffic integration costs extra and the updates are pricey. I use my iPhone 5 for all my NAV needs and it works fantastic. The voice instructions integrate with the BT so it is easy to hear. Another plus is that you can route while moving which is something you stll can't do on the Prius!! Anyway, I apologize for going off on a tangent. I think that you should try your best to get the latest model possible. A higher mileage vehicle even though newer may not cost much more than an older vehicle albeit it with less miles. keep your mind open to what I mentioned about NAV. At least that way there will be more inventory to choose from. I wish you the best of luck!!
So you think I should be looking for a 2012 package 2 with higer mileage for a lower price... as opposed to a 2010 with nav with 1/2 as many miles? THANK YOU!!! I use my iphone nav but when I am in an area without service, it poops out on me~
How much will you be driving? I'd consider that as a factor. If you drive less than average, I'd get the newer cars with high miles and let them average out over time. If you drive 30k miles a year, you are going to have an extremely high mileage car in a yar or two. I drive 40k/year, keep impeccable records and care for my cars. I think the buyers of my cars get a steal, since they basically get a new car for a very good price.
I am in california, I was able to get a New 2013 package three for 24k (includes 7 year bumper to bumper) with 0 down and 0 percent for 60 months... I think you can haggle more...
So would you say it is better to get, say a 2010 package 3 with nav for with 40,000 miles for about $20,000 out the door.... or get one for about $18,000 out the door with 75,000+ miles? Help and thank you!!!!
220 miles/week is below average. My opinion on high miles newer cars is that they are most likely highway miles. Highway miles is less wear on a car than city miles. So the 2010 with lower miles versus a 2012 with higher miles is a wash IMO. I'd choose the 2012 because 2010 was the first model year. They tend to have more problems. The NAV is absolute garbage and I wouldn't be swayed either way by the inclusion of it. Mainly, it cannot be used in motion except via voice commands which doesn't understand me most of the time. I would also recommend the 2012 for you because you put on relatively low miles. And finally, those prices are really high when you can purchase a new 2013 two for $22k at 0%. $4k for a brand new car with 0 miles and no nav versus 63k miles and a useless Nav? Easy decision go buy a $100 Garmin.
Good point... But I cannot afford over $20,000 out the door. So you are saying a 2012 with higher miles and no navigation may suit me best? Thanks for the advice... I am new at this!
I like the navigation.... My parents have a 2010 pkg 3 with nav and I enjoy it. But, iv'e herd mixed opinions!
If possible get a car fax report on both cars. See if they have been in any major accidents or a troubled repair history. That could save you money in the long run.
Yeah, its really a hit or miss it seems. Some are okay with it. Others like me are just frustrated with it. I come from using an old 2005 Garmin GPS. If you already know you like it, then it is worthwhile to have. I don't know about 2010-2011, but 2012+ Prius 3, also includes a backup camera and 3 door sks on the package 3.
I wish I could afford the 2012 pkg 3... but I basically have $20,000 to my name... so I dont want to end up with NO savings.. its tough getting older!
Thats why we recommend a 2013 package 2 for ~$22k, 0 down, 0% for 60 months. If all you have is $20k right now, you don't want to use nearly all of it to buy any one thing. Financially, it is risky if you have an emergency. Now, $367 once a month is more sensible especially if you pay it out of income leaving your $20k intact.
I agree that you should get the 2013 prius 2 for $22K. $18-20K is way to much for both of the cars you mentioned.
Does the 2012 pkg 2 come with the ability for me to plug in my iphone and listen to music, does anyone know? I know what you are saying about the 2013 for $22,000 but I feel guilty even getting a $20,000 car!