In my last car, it had a plastic key that only opened the doors so I could put in my swimsuit when surfing and I would hide and lock the engine key inside the car. I see my Prius V has a mechanical key, but is it waterproof? I've also noticed with the V, even if I remove the mechanical key and hide the electric key in the trunk, someone could break into my car and just push the start button to start the car without even needing to find the electric key hidden in the trunk. Is there any solution for locking doors, taking a mechanical key in the water with me, and not having it so someone could just break the glass and push the start button to steal my Prius? I also used to hide my old car key in the front grille. However, with the prius, if I did that all someone would have to do is just touch the door handle and the car would unlock. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions they would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
Take the battery out of the fob, or some say wrapping it in aluminum foil shields it so the car doesn't detect it. Then hide the fob very well so it won't be found. The fob will still work even without a battery in it if you hold it next to the Start button for a few seconds before pushing Start. SCH-I535
Others use those combination lock safes that hang down from the tow tab under the rear bumper to lock their key up. I believe they are popular with realtors. SCH-I535
The mechanical key is metal, so yes its "waterproof". Back in the day, we used to leave our cars unlocked at the beach - thinking that the thieves wouldn't have to break in and damage the car. It seemed to work - you just don't leave anything in the car worth stealing. There are places where the fob is not detected, consult the manual for details on the location of the sensors.
I have to leave some boards in the car so I'd like to leave it locked. The whole reason I got the prius v was so I didn't have to leave boards on the roof but could leave them locked in the car and now I'm finding out I can't lock the car. If I hide the fob outside the car in the wheel well like I sometimes used to do, all someone has to do to unlock the car is pull on the handle. (Bad) If I lock the fob in the car using the mechanical key, I'm not sure if pulling on the handle would unlock the car, but what is scary is all they would have to do is push start and my car is theirs. The fob should deactivate if the mechanical key is removed. That would have been a good idea for Toyota.
Sure you can lock it. Incorrect. There are a number of places around the car where the fob is not sensed. Please read the manual. A lot depends on if you have the 3-door smart key system or single door. But in either case there are places its not sensed. See above. Then if someone loses their mechanical key, the VERY expensive fob is useless! Rather than struggling with this here, spend some time working with the car and you'll figure it out. It's not very dificult to sort out.
A Prius won't push-start. When hiding the fob inside the car, make sure the radio link is broken so the car doesn't know it is present. Choices include removing the battery, finding a radio dead spot, wrapping the fob in enough tin foil to block the RF (radio waves), or putting it in some sort of tin or metal box that can block the RF.
A fob inside the car does not enable pulling on the door handle. In order for the door handles to be enabled, the car has to be OFF and the fob within range on the outside of the car. Try it. Leaving a fob inside the car will probably shorten the life of the battery in the fob. The car will continually ping the fob, and sending the reply uses battery power. So maybe you'd have to replace the fob battery more often. Taking the battery out of the fob or wrapping it in aluminum foil would solve this, but it isn't really necessary.
You can't lock the car if the fob is inside, unless it is shielded or disabled. You can hide the fob outside the car behind the grill, as you used to with other cars, as this is a blind spot for the lock/unlock signal area.
Well I tried finding dead spots for the fob inside the car and can't find any. I did look in the manual to see where the internal sensors were and possibly the key sends such a strong signal that the car still picks it up. I also tried putting the fob inside a small metal tin and the car again still detects the key is in the car. Does anyone know of a deadspot inside the car? I've been just hiding it in the trunk, hoping no one sees because they could just break the window and steal the car by pressing the start button. I do lock the car with the mechanical key and take it with me. Given 2 cars were just robbed last week at the beach as the thieves watched the owners hide their keys under the car, I'm a little worried I can't lock the fob in the car without the car detecting it. (The thieves just took wallets and cell phones and not the cars but still....)
Get a very small "dry case" at a scuba shop or online to carry your key in. I have never done it but I have seen people take cell phones on 100+ foot dives.
With the 3-door smart key system, its pretty hard to find a dead spot inside that's reliable. Those sensors are everywhere! I agree that under the circumstances and given the thief's willingness to sit and watch, carrying the fob is the smart option. What about one of those fake pop cans with a screw-on bottom? Stick the fob in there and leave it in the console cup holder or even in the glove box.