Hello Well I stopped to get a slice of pizza on the way home and I took one bite causing 2 drips of grease to get on drivers seat any suggestions on what works well on prius C level 2 material ?? Thanks
Maybe try a diluted solution of dawn dish washing liquid or laundry detergent, work in with a toothbrush and blot out with a towel? Just dont use at full strength of course and it should work great at breaking up the oil.
Resolve triple oxi carpet cleaner and a stiff brush got the pizza dripping stains out of my C3's seat (standard material -not the fake leather).
I used Scotch Guard cleaner on my seats to get a bit of hamburger grease out. Worked well, just had to apply and scrub a few times and it is no longer visible to me. I was quite sad when that happened! Glad the evidence is gone...except for this post
Carbona makes some stain removers for different types of stains called Stain Devils sold in 2 ounce bottles. Pricey, but they do have one specifically for grease, fat, and oils. When washing clothes I find that using a combination of Citrasolv, or GooGone with a product called Zout helps remove grease stains. You could maybe try those as well, but you will need to be able to rinse whichever method you try well. I wonder if K2R spray would be best as you can vacuum it out once it dries. Good luck with that stain!
I just had recent experience with grease stains in my brand new Prius. Had to take it to a body shop to get my stupidity while backing out of my parking space erased; and apparently one of the guys at the body shop had oil/grease/something black on his cargo shorts as it transferred to my driver's seat. It wasn't dark black grease, it just looked…greasy. I tried the "gentle" removal first, some light soap/water; nothing. Also tried a few squares of "Wet Ones," like Wash-N-Dri towelettes they give you at a BBQ restaurant. No dice there either. Stains remained. So I tried what we use at home for when our 8-yr-old causes a spot to appear on our carpeting: Resolve. It worked great the first time, with very little "elbow grease" needed. I followed the instructions & it just worked. It shockingly worked well on my kid's car seat in the back seat, where years ago he'd spilled Pepsi on his car seat and I'd always forgotten to clean it up. After using Resolve his car seat looks like new, as does the driver's seat. Link to Resolve here. We got a bottle of Resolve at Meijer (upper Midwest "big box" store like "the Wal-Mart" or Target). Relatively inexpensive.