I just bought a 2013 Prius a couple weeks ago and have already dinged the rear bumper from parallel parking. I live in a pretty dense urban area and have to parallel park quite frequently. In fact we are constantly bumping into one another. I've done some searching for 'bumper protection' 'bumper protection prius' as well as on this forum, in the shop. The only thing which comes close is 1) the horizontal bumper protection which is just a small strip across the top 2) bumper bully which seems a bit overwhelming but I might just go with something like that if it were slightly smaller and non-invasive on install. Thank you, -zeek
I agree, it's stupid. A bumper is not as nearly as ugly as scarred fiberglas. If I recall correctly, the Italians were the first to go bumperless (I thought it was stupid then too). I installed a 2" hitch for my trailer. Looking around after the installation I discovered several bumper (steps) for pickups that attached via the hitch. The bumper step was $25.00 at Harbor Freight. If you or anyone else come up with an alternative for the front and/or the rear I sure would like to learn about it .
If you ever wanted how it look like how a Prius......here you go~! My neighbor '12 Prius already dings on the Rear due SF street parking when @ work.