I was able to get a copy of iGo8 maps and here are the differences I noticed between Primo maps. iGo8 - loads faster, less detailed compared to Primo, no TTS voice, no junction view, less options, no detour options when stopped, faster reroute probably due to faster loading Primo - loads slow, very detailed with POI, TTS voice, junction view, a lot more options and customization, has a detour prompt that pops up when you are stopped if the road ahead is congested, slow rerouting, if you take an exit off your route it will give you POIs that it thinks you are exiting such as gas stations or restaurants. Also one thing I do like about Primo is that if you have TTS set, when you go over the speed limit it will tell you what the speed limit is and tell you to slow down. iGo8 will just say you are over the speed limit. Overall I like the details of Primo but iGo8 is much faster with maps and loading. I will be testing out a few more map programs in the later weeks such as TomTom, Garmin and Sygic Maps.
Makes sense. Primo is intended for newer units with updated hardware. Do want to test another variable? Does using a microSD card with a higher speed rating make a difference?
Tried that too, not much difference. I used the class 4 4gb that shipped with the unit and used my personal 16gb class 10 with the same results. I am in the process of installing TomTom 7 now and see how it works out. Also forgot to point on that with Primo when you enter a school zone it knows that you are in a school zone during a certain time and gives you a warning if you are over the speed limit which I thought was pretty cool.
Thanks. No different the the evolution of software for the PC. Old DOS programs ran faster then the Windows equivalent. Newer programs have more features, better graphics, user interface, help screens etc. The faster hardware allows for different software. Do you think the speed difference between iGO and Primo is enough to do without features like TTS? What if you use Primo but turn off as many of the extra features, like TTS, as possible?
Haven't tried that yet, I'll add this to my to do list. Tried to install TomTom 7 last night but downloaded incompatible maps so will have to redo when I get home today. Found the Garmin apps and maps and will do that as well after TomTom then the Primo and Sygic Maps.
Apparently the TomTom 7 won't work on my unit. TomTom 7 has issues with Wince 6.0 and 128mb which my unit seems to be. Been reading that Wince 5.0 works flawlessly. Just got the Garmin XT and am trying it out in a few.
Garmin XT works flawlessly so far but I did run into one problem, no sound! I'm still troubleshooting this and will report when I get it fixed. GPS locks on instantly and everything runs smoothly. Only complaint I have is the keyboard is the default Wince keyboard and when searching for POIs its a little hard to read because it displays two lines where only one should be displayed so looks very cramped and the keyboard is in the way as well. Will be looking for the Garmin keyboard and getting the sound to work in the following week. Gave up on TomTom 7, spent a lot of time on it and it is not compatible with Wince 6 with 128mb but have read it works excellent with Wince 5 with 64mb. As a side note, I think after all this I will be using iGo8 and am in search of TTS for it as well.
May I ask you where did you get your IGo8 map? I just recieved my unit. I also asked for the Primo map instead thought it is the best choice. Now that I know it will be slower, I rather stick with IGo8. I would have time to install mine until next week. Thanks for showing all your finding. Ron
I got the ottonavi with xm radio had all kinds of problems with the system crashing using Primo it had Ndrive on it when I got it didn't really like it much really wanted to use Primo but Igo8 is pretty good I think. ottonavi sent me links to download both you just need to email them and ask.They told me when the Igo8 says in needs updating to send them a email to get new map
ottonavi have smaller versions of primo also still wouldn't work well with my xm unit it crashed after you went to different screens not enough memory i guess