I removed the butt ugly hub caps haha. I love the rims that are under saved me from buying new rims and tires. Now I can do other mods XT907 ? 4
That was the first thing I did as soon I learned about it... I'm not big on black wheels but they've definitely grown on me...would like to have a white stripe around the outter edge though. I keep seeing other Prius owners that have lost one wheel cover and I just want to flag them down and tell them about the center caps. I've gotten a good amount of compliments on them, too. Definitely makes my car stand out around here
I did the 'center caps' thing (got the cheap ones from hongkong on ebay - about $8, fit good, look fine) Glad I did. You can find sticky tape with silver (or other colors) to tape on the edge of the rims on ebay, pretty cheap
i really consider it today.. i pulled off the caps but then realized i didnt have center caps and that it looked funny like that... i think if i was going to roll, i would have to do 17's in the end.. i might get center caps and see how it looks... Post a pic?
Would dirt and other stuff get into the wheel bearing with out the center cap? BRAIN using super powers
I have just the standard toyota chrome/silver center caps, had gift cards on amazon so I went that way. THEN I found that a guy, maybe from this forum, uses a 3D printer to make them...has an autobot set that I want so bad, I believe his would need to be painted though. As long as you find the right size tho, there are endless colors and designs out there. I don't know about dirt getting in through the holes but they look way way better with a cap on... SCH-I535 ? 4
I just saw a pick with the center caps on and I think it does look a lot better. Maybe I'll just spray paint them red BRAIN using super powers
There have been a lot of posts of making center caps from a couple things from the hardware store...I'm sure if you browse a bit you'll stumble upon here it SCH-I535 ? 4