I am installing a back up camera, the camera has two wires which needs to be connected to the reverse wires. One is positive and one is black ground.And also the front monitor has to three rca cables ( white , red and yellow) , the yellow would be the input for the camera wire , the red would be the power and white i dont know if i need to connect anything at all. I want the monitor to turn on when engaged in reverse and off when disengaged. I have heard sometimes you just get a blue screen when disengaged but want the monitor off when not in reverse. Thanks
well i dont know what camera you have, but when a monitor has 3 rca cables, they are just for audio and video. i havent heard of them using a rca cable to carry power. so you might want to check again what you got with the camera, because i believe you should have gotten a separate power cord.
yes , i do have a power cable with positive and negative, that is plugged in the red rca. any ideas where i can connect that to , so i can have the screen turn on when in reverse and off when disengaged. Thanks
im not sure where you can get the reverse signal in the front of the car, but to be quick and easy you can simply run the positive wire from the reverse light to the front of the car.
or i can run the monitor's positive wire from the front to the back of the positive reverse wire and then just ground the black wire , so if the is in reverse the camera will turn on and the monitor will turn on. then disengaged from reverse both shut off. Would that be a easier way . I heard if you hook this up wrong then the monitor can stay on and only show a picture when i reverese and when not in reverse the monitor will stay blue screen. what you think thanks
does anyone also know if the reverese wires are black ground and red positive , so cars have dual colors thanks In a prius 2012 and 2013 should be the same i guess thanks
the easy thing to do is just look at the tail light from the insde as if you wanted to replace the reverse light. the 2 wires are going to be the positive and negative. most likely the negative wire will be a black wire. running a cable from the rear to the front is the same as running a cable from the front to the rear.
ya thats probaly what i need to do, i think the green wire from the monitor for the back up camera goes to the positive reverse wire ,thats what i have been told Does anyone know if thats right.