Does any one manufacture window guards for the Prius C? (Sorry if this has been covered. I searched but didn't see any threads that were related.) I can find window guards (the things at the top of the windows to keep out rain) for some Prius models but not for the Prius C. Thanks!
Anybody try these window visors for the Prius C? | PriusChat Edit: Seems the seller in the link in the thread I mentioned above is not selling them currently, but I found them here:
I think those are the stick on with tape kind. I'm looking for the kind that are custom fitted for the C and fit into the window gasket channel. The ones you sent me in an email/post looked like what I want but they don't say they are for Prius C, just "most Prius hachbacks". Those were called Weathertech Toyota Prius Side Window Deflectors.
Yes, they are the same as in the link I provided to an ongoing thread about them here on Priuschat. They are the stick on type, it appears no one has been able to find the slide in kind yet. I provided both links since you didn't mention in the initial post you did not want the stick on kind but did say you searched and could find nothing on here about it, lol. Hopefully someone makes em' soon as it seems others want them as well.
Okay thanks for the info. I knew I couldn't find the slip in kind using Google, but I was hoping some one else had. Oh well, sooner or later some one will manufacture them I'm sure.
im also looking for the slide in kind. i just dont trust the stick kind. even though many people use them without a problem
I had the stick on kind on a Toyota Tacoma for 8 years and they worked well, even in the 100+ N TX heat. But I shanked putting one on and I had to stare at a slightly crooked mount for 8 years! I think the slip in kind look much better so I'm going to wait for them.
I'm waiting for the in-channel ones as well. I emailed WeatherTech last week to see if they planned on R&D for the Prius C. I received a confirmation my email was received, but no reply yet. Email them, possibly if enough emails come through they'll get off their rears and develop these quicker.
Good news and bad news. The good news is that it looks as if the Prius C "in-channel" weather guards are currently in research and development. The bad, they won't be available for at least 4-5 months. Her email reply here: " Thank you for your interest in MacNeil Automotive and our WeatherTech brand! Congratulations on your new Prius C! My engineers are still in the development and engineering stages for the Side Window Deflectors for the Prius C. According to the information provided, it looks like we still have 4-5 months before we see the product available for sale. Please keep in mind that this timeline is an approximate and we may start to see the products sooner or later then the estimated time listed. If you would like to be notified I recommend filling out a Product Request Form:; this form will be used to contact you by phone or email when the products become available. Unfortunately, I won’t be back in the office until Thursday. For immediate assistance please call customer service at: 800.441.6287. Have a great day! Mary Davis"
Not sure what takes so long for something like this. It's obviously not a priority for them. Takes about 3-4 weeks to get a plastic mold made, a month to mass produce it and walah. (of course it's isn't always this easy)
We hassle WeatherTech at least once a month about this. I get really high quality stick-ons from Japan -- I actually like the lines better than in in-channel design on the Prius C (because of the little extra windows). I'm sure they will offer them at some point, the car is too popular to ignore.