Along with the idea of having mini forums in each group.. i have another idea. What does everyone in California think of an annual meet. Everyone in there hometown state could meet up. We could do this every year or every other year. every year would have a greater chance of it staying active. Idea's opinions?
Sounds good to me. See you in Denver V8Cobrakid . I think it'd be cool to get together and talk about cars for a couple of hours. Maybe grill out, drink a beer or 12 (OK, maybe not a twelve pack). Then we just gotta figure out where makes the most sense. How many Colorado folks are on the site? I know I've seen a few.
Well.. i was in colorado for 5 months or so.. but back in Cali now... I voted for stat meets.. but nation would be awesome maybe for a saturday and a sunday.. party.. drink.. grill.. sleep.. then drive home ok.. mayve it's more like a week event .... but it could be huge.. on the news even
Yeah, a week to make it worthwhile for everybody since everyone will want to drive. Someone needs to comeup with an algorithm to take into account the PC population distribution and come up with a location that minimizes the amount of fuel required to bring all of the participants together. :lol: Don't look at me... I'm not qualified for such endevours. I'll gladly bring a twelve pack or a corny keg of homebrew though.
btw.. i'm not providing any of the PV panels.. you can bring them all i'll help set them up though... might take the first half of the week.
Well I'm sure I'm out on a nationwide-effort, but I could probably make a California-meet run. Given the amount of active people in the southern bit of the state, Fresno or Bakerfield seems pretty central to me...
i guess that sounds pretty cental for california. I don't know how many people we have up north from the bay area. Not too many i'm guessing. California ist probably mostly between the bay area and L.A.