Hello, My wife and I both have iPhone 5's. we paired both phones with the our Prius v Five (non ATP) and as my wife uses the car the vast majority of the time, chose her phone as the active phone. On the occasion that I would use the car, would think the Bluetooth would recognize my phone and enable it, but no, it seems. Have to manually go In and select my phone- even though it's the only phone in the car- in order to use Bluetooth , then, I need to make sure to switch it back to selecting my wife's phone before I give her back the car. In No other car I owned had to do this, the car would automatically choose and recognize which phone was in the car. Am i doing something wrong or does this system in this v just suck !???? Thanks
As stated before, the v3 switches automatically. I have to assume your v5 has the better navigation and as such acts differently.
I have the five, but without the advanced tech pkg, should be the same as the three. Mine doesn't switch automatically.
I know my 2012 v3 autoswitches. It will pick my wife's first if we are both in the car, but her bluetooth name is first in the alphabet. Otherwise it goes to whoever is in the car, sometimes even an IPad I paired once. I also know our 08 prius will not autoswitch and has to be manually selected. There are several posts on that issue with no solution. Finally I know some features of a v5 are different even down to the radio. Toyota "dumbed down" the low cost head unit and did it themselves instead of using a third party system as in the past. I think the v5 has the older "better" in some ways system, even though you may not have all the bells and whistles. Prius won't Auto switch between BT phones | PriusChat
Do you have the Display Audio A (no maps), Display Audio B (maps under APPs) or the specific Navigation Display? See attached for pictures of the 3 different units sold with a Prius v. I have Display Audio B which does autoswitch.
Let me check my setup. I read where there is a "Bluetooth Power" per pairing that must be on to auto connect and perhaps some phones that don't support auto connect. I doubt an IPhone 5 would be one since yours apparently does autoconnect to the last selected. It might be interesting to pair someone else's phone and or an IPAD as a test. Also be sure the last used phone is not within a 100 ft or so as bluetooth has pretty good range.
I found only one overall Bluetooth power on/off in the Settings. I found autoswitching between two phones works for me by specifically having one on at a time, reversing which one is on and by testing what happens if two are on at the same time. I tested in my 12 Prius v with Display Audio Type B. I used two phones in the car and ensured both were paired properly with the Display Audio. I started with phone 1 connected. I shutoff phone 1 and turned on phone 2. I cycled the car off then on. Phone 2 picked up and connected. I turned both phones on and cycled. Phone 2 (last used) picked up. I repeated the above starting with Phone 2 and ending with Phone 1. Same results in reverse ending with Phone 1 connecting when it was the last used and both phones were on. The Display Audio Type B autoswitched between phones. It would also connect to the last known phone if both were in range. It took a few more seconds to autoswitch than to simply reconnect to the last known phone. It would not switch without cycling the power on the Display Audio. Interestingly, I found it is possible to have a Bluetooth connection on Phone 1 for phone service WHILE concurrently having a Bluetooth connection on Phone 2 for Music. I don't use the internet connection on either phone so I don't know how that adds to the mix.
Type B system - Internet only work on the device connected for Phone. so technically U could have a 2nd BT device connected for music. Type C system - system uses SPP and A2DP so device must be connected for both phone and music for internet to work.
My V 3, generally auto detects just fine. It can get confused if both iPhones are in the car at the same time. The only other odd thing is if wife happens to be in the house on her iPhone, and I pull the Prius out the driveway, the car will grab the phone call she happens to be on. All of a sudden, I have taken over her call on the in car BT. Living room is only a few feet from the driveway.
Got the same problem with wife and me in my 2012 Prius v too. Entune could add a feature to perhaps preferred phone to pair or even pairing order since there can be more than 2 phones paired with the system. (kids or work vehicle). On the wife's 2010 Prius we have to pick the phone in order to make it switch when we are both in the car. Otherwise it goes with last phone it was paired with.