Has anyone experienced any difficulty with carseats and the prius c? My hubby and I have a 2012 and a Britax B-safe infant carseat and found that the when we installed the base, it was extremely loose. At this time, we've opted using the prius c at all with the baby. I was wondering if anyone can recommend an infant car seat that fits securely and snug? Thank you!
Are you installing it correctly? There are local places (Firehouse, police station, etc) to you that will assist you with car seat installs. Car Seat Inspection Station Locator | NHTSA
I have a Britax Chaperone car seat and the base attachment is essentially the same. Basically what the police station or fire station will do is stick their knee into the base while tightening the strap as hard as they can. It compresses the cushioning of the seat a little bit but gets really tight on the brackets.