I purchased the OGS Intelligence Position Switch a while back, thinking that I could adapt it to work in my Generation 2 Prius. It is designed for the Gen. 3 Prius. My Mechanic has checked the Joy Stick Control Schematics of both Gen's. 2 & 3, and compared them. He says we just can't use this accessory in my Gen. 2. So, I have put it up on eBay for sale. Toyota Prius Push Button Trans Control OGS Intelligence Position Shift Switch | eBay This is the Original RHD Version. However, it will work on LHD Cars too. The only difference is the location of the buttons. D is still Drive, R is still Reverse, etc. Several Gen. 3 Owner/Members have installed this model. Check Threads.
I got the information that it will not work on the 2013's from threads I read concerning the OGS in Gen 3 Forums here. Now, I don't know what to think. Sorry for the confusion.
first off i think this should be moved to the private sales forum, and second, considering u will be paying eBay and PayPal about 20% of your asking price in fees, would you consider a sale to a fellow PC member for less, and outside of eBay to avoid fees? I could even try sending u the payment as a "gift" so Paypal won't charge either of us for the transfer...
I remember seeing this in another thread but yes it will work with a 2013 Prius. For the user above, I know that there's someone on Amazon selling it as well if you still want it.