I ran my tank down to 19 miles left in range and the warning light never came on. I read here that someone says the light comes on with 1.8 gallons left in the tank (if scangauge is accurate). Assuming the car shuts off at zero gallons (and not with something like .5 gallons left), that would be like 70 miles left of range. Has anyone run it to zero or tested the range beyond a displayed range of zero?
Don't confuse the actual capacity of the tank with the "useable capacity". The system does not allow you to run the tank dry, and will shut down the ICE at a predetermined point. Nobody has actually figured out what that is, and it may even vary a bit. The only way to find out for sure is to run it to shut-down, then drain what's left in the tank. Obviously, it also varies how much you put in and whether you're completely filling the tank to capacity or past capacity. The zero range point most likely gives you another gallon or so, but the range is based on AVERAGE MPG so it can vary a lot. I've personally gone about 30 miles past zero range and had gas to spare, I put in about 10.5 gal . It's probably safer to ignore the range projection, since its based on averages, and just go by the fuel gauge. when the red indicator comes on, fill it up. You'll still put more than 10 gal in it.
Ran it below 0 a number of times. Chickened out at about -25 miles. Fuel light comes on at 15 miles for me.
I usually don't fill the tank until after the light comes on. I set trip B to keep track of how many miles after the light. The most I have done is 67 miles. It usually shows between 3 and 12 miles range when the light comes on. I think that the light is a better indicator of fuel remaining than the range because the range uses the average mileage. On the tank that I went 67 miles after the light, I averaged 54.5 mpg, so be careful if you getting a lot less. I did go 603 miles on that tank!
Wow, 603 miles on 1 tank! When you said you averaged 54.5 mpg, was that overall for the tank, or what you averaged after the light came on (your trip B average) and you drove another 67 miles averaging 54.5mpg? I assume you didn't run out of gas at 67 miles, right? Do you remember how many gallons of gas the car took when you filled it up? Also to get the 603 miles, did you fill the tank beyond when it first shut off with those modern gas tank hoses and do you stick the hose all the way down? (I liked the old gas nozzles more because you could hear and practically see how close to full the gas tank was getting. With these new gas nozzles, it is difficult to tell.)
Check out the "600 mile club" under fuel economy. There are quite a few of us getting 600 mile tanks with the v.
i went 10 miles after my distance to empty indicated zero and only filled up 9.6 gallons? I went 551 miles displayed mpg was 60.5mpg So i would have been able to go at least another 100 miles
I am attaching the photo of that tank. It was a May/June tank so very little AC or heat used. I averaged 54.5 mpg for the whole tank calculated. The computer showed 57.1 mpg for the tank and 67.9 mpg for the 57 miles after the light came. I was mistaken about the timing on the 67 miles after the light . It was the last tank that I went farther than I should have and went 67 miles after the light came on. That was probably pushing it too far. I put in 11.495, which was really pushing it. I only fill the tank until it "clicks" off and then do it one more time. I don't try to stuff the tank. I put in only 11.088 gal after the 600+ mile tank. So far I have not run out of gas, but I usually try to keep it under 50 miles after the light comes on.
Why would you want to run the tank so low with any gunk, moisture or sediment at the level going to be sucked up into your fuel system? I usually try to fill at 1/2 tank but never let it get below 1/4. I live a less exciting life I guess ?
In my v, the low fuel light comes on at 11 to 10 miles before 0, I have driven as much as 15 after 0 but in general I never want to admit to my wife I ran out, so I get gas at the first gas station below 50 mile range.