3rd Gen Hybrid eCVT Transaxle in the Classroom

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Technical Discussion' started by cycledrum, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. DomoDriver

    DomoDriver Junior Member

    Jul 16, 2013
    New Mexico
    2013 Prius
    So, given that they added the MG1 planetary reduction gear, which makes MG1 & MG2 speeds comparable when the ICE is off, and that the max speed of both MG's increased from about 6500RPM to about 12000, why, oh why, Toyota, did you limit my Gen3 electric speed to 46mph? Why not 61? Why not higher? The "MG1 overspeed" argument doesn't wash anymore for the Gen3.

    Seems like they could go higher on the PIP, too, with its taller gearing.

    I guess what I'm saying is this: Toyota almost doubled the max speeds of MG1 and MG2. Simultaneously, they geared MG1 so that it wouldn't go 2.46 times as fast as MG2, which was limiting the max electric speed in Gens 1 & 2. These earlier Gens were limited to 42mph before the ICE had to turn to prevent MG1 overspeed. So how come this change for Gen3 only bought us an extra 10% electric speed? Shouldn't it have made it over 4x as high, effectively unlimiting it? Even if the prof was mistaken about the max speed change, the gearing alone should've gotten us to over 80mph.