There is a long story and there is a short story. I'll give you the option of reading either/or as time is a valuable commodity. Short story: Just picked up my "new to me" Prius yesterday and I'm SUPER happy with the decision I made. It's an 06 with package #7. Really happy with the car and look forward to many years of ownership. Long story: I had an 04 VW GTI, 1.8T previously, modified to handle well. It had 162k+ on the odo and could have gone a lot farther, except for two things. This is where the story get's long of tooth. In late July we (fiancee and our cat) drove from CA to TX, taking two days to do so. On the second day, just outside Albuquerque while on the freeway doing about 80mph, fifth gear decided to cease its existence. I was reduced to 4th gear from San Jon, NM to the DFW metro. So that was the first dagger in my GTI. The third day in TX, we got hit by an idiot driver who decided to ram my drivers side quarter panel. That was the second and final dagger. My car was reduced to not only making horrible grinding noises while traveling at low speeds, but now it had a big gash in the QP. It took almost a month to sort it all out. I went back and forth on fixing it or selling it and buying another car. Once I decided I did not want to put anymore money into it, I started looking at used cars on CL and Autotrader. After test driving this Prius, a Milan, and a Mazda3, I bought the Prius and I'm so glad I did! I look forward to reading more on this site and learning more about my new car. Thanks for reading.
Quick question for those in the know. My car was advertised as a package 7 and it appears to be, except for one thing. It has leather seats. I thought that was only a package 8 option?