If modifications you make to the car cause the car to be damaged, that damage is not covered by your warranty. The same applies to neglect or malice. However, driving an ice pick through the valve cover shouldn't void the warranty on the climate control system buttons. I'm not too worried about preserving my warranty overall. Toyota's warranty is not great, but their products have a reputation for holding up well enough that it doesn't matter anyway.
The Magnession law prevents manufacturers from voiding waraanties without reason but these are the ones I have seen voiding warranties: 1. achange in the engine parts. Though not absolute only changes to low intake air changes have avouded voiding. In short, anything that alters emissions. Some states require an emissions check nice person a part of annual inspections. 2. any change to the vehicle that created a dangerous working vehiclem, such as conversion of suspension parts that do not function as direct replacements to the OEM suspension. 3. Ditto brakes. If the rear brakes are converted to disc brakes that could be grounds for voiding even if the European parts are used. Unless the conversion is not professionally competently done that should get by. 4. any body changes such as conversion to a convertible. 5. any changes to the airbag system or sensors 6. Any changes to the windows to obstruct vision and that led to an accident. Tinters beware. 7. any changes to the ECU programming. In short, anything that alters emisxsions, which can include the muffler and/or exhaust systems. Thats to begin...
hmm...sounds like a lot of stuff that're too advanced for me to mess with anyway, lol, although I do have window tint, but who that can afford it doesn't? =D but nice to know
The limit on window tint is more the place of the state to protect law enforcement; in those states where the tint is too dark you can be ticketed. If a situartion arises where the vehicle isd damaged because of that the warranty is void because the law was 'broken'.
Interesting perspective. I figured that just about everyone can afford window tint, but that most of us feel the factory window tint is sufficient. <-- not a slave to fashion
Going over the warranty coverage mileage and/or years will void the warranty. Despite the law being on your side, the reality of it is you're at the whim of the dealership and the regional service rep. Very few people are going to put up a hugely expensive legal battle against the dealership over a relatively small financial quibble. There are tons of stories in the Subaru and Mitsubishi world where the dealership internet-stalked guys that took their cars to the track, and when the car broke, the dealership had a stack of forum printouts as "evidence" to deny their warranty claim. Personally, I had a BMW dealership deny a warranty claim because I said on a forum they had crappy customer service. They printed out the post I made and then threw it in my face like it was a load of lies. The irony did not go unnoticed on me. I discussed the incident with the regional service manager and had my legitimate warranty problem fixed at a different dealership. As the saying goes, YMMV.
If you use the wrong wax, you can void your warranty... it all depends on how anal the dealership wants to be.
Using a hitch on a C is not recommended by the manufacturer. Many folks do so without problems, but it could potentially void your warranty if a problem develops.
Ztanos might sound sarcastic but he nailed it! I worked at a dealership and we voided many warranties for the stupidest stuff that had nothing to do with what was wrong with the car. EX.. someone comes in the dealership with a bad transmission at say 20,000mi. First we would look to see if this person was a regular customer (did they get there car serviced regularly by us, oil changes 10K, 20K service, etc) if so then we would think about repairing it under warranty just because we didn’t want to lose their business. If they didn’t we would try to find a reason to void there warranty and make them pay for the repair. Just about anything we would use to void it. Not stock tires and rims, ""O that changed the ratio and cause something in the computer to mess with the trans"", Cold air intake, ""well the engine was making more power now then the trans was rated for""That’s just a few examples of how we used anything to try and void a warranty. If you want to make changes of something on your vehicle go to the dealership and ask the warranty rep if these changes will void your warranty... AND MAKE SURE TO RECORD IT WITH YOUR CELL PHONE!! No video proof no warranty!
I stand corrected on Warren Moss, its the Magnession Moss warranty law. Warren Moss was the co-writer of the laws covering warranty abuses.
Because all laws are adequately monitored for compliance... how many people do you see in the left lane on the highway that aren't passing people?