So I've received my new white EZpass tags. They are issued by the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority aka MTA and not the NY thruway, even though I applied through the NY Thruway site. So much for joining the NY thruway Green Pass program. According to the MTA ezpass site, I have to call to add the Green Pass discount program. I hope it's really that easy....
Nope, not that easy at all. According to the people on the phone, the Green Pass cannot be added to my account. I can go to the loacation in College Point queens in person and perhaps add it that way
No, I tried that at the Staten Island service center - I had an MTA account since the very first days of EZPass, and the only thing I was able to do was close that account and open the Thruway account. See my original post.
Still the last question: can the NJ green discount plan (here) be added to a NY Thruway account? I don't mean the Port Authority green discount plan. I have NY registration. I just went to the Queens EZ-Pass service center last Saturday, they were supposed to open a Thruway account for me and would mail the Thruway green pass to me in 1 or 2 weeks.
All the NY accounts (Thruway, Port Authority, MTA) are managed on the same website and have a common account number. But from your link, the NJ authority is completely separate - I tried logging on there with my NY account info and it didn't recognize it. I'd say it doesn't look like the NJ green pass can be linked to a Thruway account.
This is what I am waiting to hear all along...I am thinking a person might have to own several EZPasses eg; NJ, VA 495 Hot lanes, MD, etc if you want to "have it all". For the new VA I495 HOT HOV-3 Lanes, we have a special EZPass with a switch, the idea is if you have 3 people in the car, you switch off the EZ Pass transponder. I am not getting one but that's how it works.
I tried getting a NY thruway account. They won't give it to me because I am registered in NJ. They assigned me an MTA account.
Worth a shot. Tell them to use a fake zip code so you can get the Thruway account - that's what the supervisor at the Staten Island center did for me.