Article in today's San Jose Mercury News by Mr. Roadshow, Gary Richards. Caltrans spokeswoman Lauren Wonder says program will be extended to 75K. Various officials all say they have not seen an impact on HOV lanes. Current numbers in the article are: Applications: 48,613 Sent stickers: 44,957 In proceessing: 1,721 Rejects: 1,715 Not qualified: 220 Full article available for about a week at:
Thats great news. I did rush to get my stickers (which I got this weekend). It would have been a bad PR move to stop issuing them for 90 days. Now we need to work on extending the bill past the 2008 sunset.
Sweet.. now i don't have to worry about running out of sticker before i get mine. I kinda new there would be no impact on the carpool lanes. it goes soo fast and no one switches in and out of the lane.
That is good news. I mailed mine in a couple weeks ago. I've been watching the carpool lane on the freeway I drive, 405. I have been counting 4 or 5 cars with a single person to a hybrid with stickers. I wish they would crack down on the illegal drivers. Ken
My experience on L.A. freeways has been mixed. It seems that the traffic congestion has to be Just Right to keep the HOV lane flowing faster than the standard lanes. Often the freeway isn't congested enough to create an advantage in the HOV lane, and other times everybody seems equally stuck. The stickers have come in handy a few times, though, when things were Just Right. Jan