I do wish there were a non-generation specific Prius subarea. Prior to the Gen III becoming available, I believe what's now the Gen 2 main area was the non-generation specific area.
I don't know about this. The Gen III Prius seems to be hanging around the top ten cars in US sales, which is mass market in my book, and more than I expected.
The comments I've been seeing on twitter have been interesting. Lots of remarks about feeling like they're riding around in a (part of a woman's anatomy). Or it being a "tampon on wheels" and other nonsense. One girl tweeted that she backed into some woman's Prius and laughed about it as she drove off. But you know, popularity breeds contempt. Those tweets are mixed in with others about wanting one, buying one, driving one, etc. I went to get dinner tonight, and there was another in the same lot. So yeah, what rotten, rotten cars they must be. Also, two of my coworkers went to buy one right after the tsunami. There were none to be had, and they felt the dealers made no effort to help, so they got other things. But at least they tried. I don't know what the "worst" car on the road is in terms of reliability, safety, and all those other factors, but who's ragging on them? Personally, I don't care what other people drive. I may not understand it, but I'm not going to insult them. Different strokes for different folks.
I remember back in the day when people on the right end of the spectrum were also pro-environment, conservation and good stewardship-- conservation, after all, shares the same root word as conservative. But then something happened and many people on the right got hoodwinked out of some of their values. Another example is how so many people on the right today are anti-PC (political correctness, but maybe PriusChat too?). Yet when you get outside of PC's application as a political tool to manipulate people (voters), at its heart all it consists of is treating others with dignity and respect, and those are values that people on the right tended to understand and believe in when I was growing up, so what's up with that? I'm still trying to pinpoint exactly what caused these changes at the right end of the political spectrum. My guess is that its genesis lies somewhere around the time frame that the other 2 Rs of the 3 Rs (reduce, re-use, recycle) got dropped from the vernacular, but maybe it happened before my time and I'm being naive.
Primary reason: True conservatism, which you so aptly described, is demonized among the now dominant extreme radicals on the political right. Also, much of conservation, in the ecological sense, is based on science, which is disdained by the radical right.
you mean feminine? lol. really though, i'm over the phase of caring what others think about my car now. the way i look at it is i own something that is the best at what it does. can your friends say that about their cars? no they can't. thats what i tell my friends and laugh at them lol. i call my buddy's Charger a poor man's muscle car. think about it, his hemi only pumps out about 350 hp about equivalent with a high end v6 these days...ouch
I get a kick out of all the old white guys that ask me crazy questions at the golf course (and I'm an old white guy). How long do you have to plug it in? What if the battery goes dead? What happened to your real car? Does it go over 70 mph? Funny thing is that when I bought mine (earlier this year), it was the only one in the parking lot. Now there are 3.
who cares? if someone will buy me a new "macho" car (A Shelby would be fine) and all my gasoline Ill drive it. otherwise I'll stick with my Prius C, a car that pays me to drive.
People who call the car 'gay' or 'ghay' are not saying it's popular with gays. They're just saying they don't like it or that it's lame. The term 'gay' has become a generic insult in today's culture.
exactly... as soon as i get the.. you got a Prius, i quickly tell them how i get 55+MPG and they totally change their tune! Then i remind them how i have owned a 400HP 01 Mustang GT and a F150 and that this is just for my commute.. they start to understand Its not for everyone but when they do the quick math they start to think
For some of us who grew up in a time and place where queer/fairy/f*g/gay labels were sometimes a prelude to serious or lethal violence (see Matthew Shepard), the use of 'gay' as an insult remains completely unacceptable.
Whenever I encounter these kinds of things I think of two sources: 1. $20 a gallon - When fuel goes to $5 Liter these kinds of ignorance will cease (Steiner, 2010). 2. Sacramento On Empty (Sacramento News & Review, Feb 2006) - How we will function without fuel.
I went from spending $70 every two days to $38 a week. I could care less what ppl think about my car XT907 ? 4
People poke fun and I remind them of the great gas mileage and how much I'm saving with payment, insurance, gas and how I'm laughing all the way to the bank... Not so funny when I can fill up on $94 a month on gas compared to whatever they are doing, some $94 at one fill up.... But what is a haters job to do? That's right to hate... As Kat Williams once said, if the haters don't have anyone to hate, feel free to hate on me.... LMAO... Don't be jealous of the HSD.... Don't be jealous of the Power of the Prius.... Makes no difference to me, it's MY car and MY choice...