I wonder what's so different that they don't offer 2005? And that page has like 5 of the same product number. And do they install it? Or is it hinges, bolts and screws for $1,250?
Apparently, they DON'T install it... Parts/plans get shipped... Did some searching around, couldn't find any pics. Then again, the Prius demographic isn't the type to do this sort of thing... It WOULD be nice to have the option of winged doors, think of all the times you've been in crammed parking spaces, but not $1,250 nice... h34r:
That's for a classic. Note that they say it's for 2001-2004. Don't believe them I see online parts stores making that mistake all the time.
I'd be worried about the effects replacing the hinges on the structural safety cage of the Prius.. If you retrofit this kit, you may compromise the side-impact protection..
I wouldn't even think about doing this since it would greatly decrease resale value. But if I realy wanted to I would want to see one in person first. Not just photos and this company doesn't even have photos. It looks like a mistake. Maybe they were planning it and someone put it on the site by accident.
Yes, actually I can. Why not. I've seen stranger cars at shows. aka007ii I don't think the people who buy these things worry about the resale value, only the "bling" value. c4These hinges don't affect the side impact protection. Side impact protection is determined by the doors structure. This doesn't change the doors structure at all. The only structural modification is the actual hinge, which is a very beefy piece. It's most likely stronger than the factory stamped steel parts.
i want one.. i want one. Just recently i saw a craigslist post of a guy selling hindges off his car. I was almost tempted to grab them.. but then i started to think about capatibility issues... i'm not worried about side impact.. as long as the door closes int he same spot.. it should be fine.
:lol: ahahahahahahahahah :lol: oh shit.. was that me laughing? :lol: lol.. lol i've seen a pic of this car before.. lol.. what people make when they are bored
My gosh, that is HIDEOUS. It looks like some 17 year old painted it with a spray can! I mean, WOW, that looks bad. Nate
Doesn't anyone see that this kit is for a 2001-2004... am I the ONLY one on this thread who knows there was a body change in 2004... HELLO not sure where your heads are...posters Toyota Prius Lambo Door Kit Notes : WINGDOORSâ„¢ Mark I 90 degree weld-on door conversion kit. Complete hardware kit including hinges, bolts and screws to convert existing regular doors to WingDoorsâ„¢. Will allow you to open your doors both vertically and horizontally. Unique patented design Part # : CPWUS-WINGS OEM # : Fit : 2001-2004 Toyota Prius (01-04)
eh.. bored posters will post anything i don't see how that car goes with this thread either.. in any way shape or form.
Not a gull wing not interested! Now if it were a gull wing then... I don't know. Except my wife would kill me then I would be dead! :huh: